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Migrant Workers and Strikes: or on the Tightly Packed Contradictions of Global Capitalism

Note from LeftEast editors: This article is a slightly expanded and edited version of a text, which appeared first in Slovak in Kapital. We publish the English original with permission. The article appears within the framework of the East European Left Media Outlet (ELMO). “For capitalism migrant workers fill a labour shortage in an especially […]

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Sonja Stojadinovic: The Macedonian left-wing SDSM lost the election because it did not dismantle the Gruevski regime of nepotism and harmed Macedonian identity 

  LeftEast is delighted to reprint this interview Vladimir Mitev recently conducted with our comrade and Macedonian political scientist Sonja Stojadinovic for Cross-border Talks, in which they discuss the internal situation and foreign policy dynamics immediately after the swearing the May 8 elections and the swearing in of Macedonia’s new president (Gordana Siljanovska from the […]

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Evaporating Solidarity: The Response to Displacement Cannot Be Sustained by Empathy Alone

After the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, it is now time to ask what happens when the fragile social relations that were able to handle the arrival of millions of displaced people start to break down. Many commentators have argued extensively that grassroots solidarity networks consisting of individual actors and local organisations […]

We Asked

We asked: How is the Suppression of Palestinian Solidarity Unfolding in Austria? 

Editorial introduction: Since the launch of Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and Israel’s bombing of the besieged Gaza Strip, Palestinians and pro-Palestine activists in Europe are facing unprecedented censorship, policing, harassment, arrests, gag orders, and threats. In compiling reports from leftist activists across Europe, we aim to alert progressives across the region of the oppression Palestinians […]

We Asked

We asked: How is the Suppression of Palestinian Solidarity Unfolding in Germany? 

Since the launch of Hamas’ Operation Floods of Aqsa and Israel’s bombardment of besieged Gaza, Palestinians and pro-Palestine activists in Europe have been facing unprecedented censorship, policing, harassment, arrests, gag orders, and threats. In compiling several reports from leftist activists in various locations in Europe, we aim to alert our activist communities across our region […]

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A letter to Europe from a Palestinian

I am writing this letter as news continues to reach me of relatives, neighbours, and friends being killed in Gaza by Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment. Dear Europeans, I, like millions of Palestinians, am living through the worst nightmare of yet another round of mass death and destruction unleashed on our people – something you would often […]

We Asked

We asked: How is the Suppression of Palestinian Solidarity Unfolding in France? 

Although as of October 21, the widespread ban on protests has been deemed unconstitutional, it remains the case that since October 7, the French government has voluntarily conflated any expression of Palestine solidarity with supporting terrorism: this is a new step in an escalation of repression premised on an attempt at silencing any voice that is not in line with the government and its positions. 

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“The roots of the reactionary bloc lie in the supposed ‘democratic’ camp”: Interview with the Slovak collective Karmína

Can you tell us a bit more about Karmína? What is your origin story? What do you do? How do you define yourself as a platform/collective? Karmína was established in 2017 as an informal group that runs a collective blog. Some of us have previously worked together, since the mid-2000s, in other initiatives on the […]

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Melegh Attila’s book launch, The Migration Turn and Eastern Europe

The former director of Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies and Associate Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, and LeftEast author Attila Melegh recently published the book The Migration Turn and Eastern Europe. A Global Historical Sociological Analysis. Using Marxist and Polanyian frameworks, this book examines the structural and discursive transformation that can explain the polarization […]

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Sovereignty, foreign influence, and the search for the Georgian dream

In an effort to regulate foreign influence in Georgia, the Georgian parliament, People’s Power, as it is called, introduced two bills in late February, “On the registration of foreign agents” and “On the transparency of foreign influence.” People’s Power broke away from the ruling party, Georgian Dream (GD) so it could be more open about […]