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Political Establishment in Austria Uses the Israel/Palestine Conflict for a Generalized Attack on the Left and the Workers Movement

LeftEast Editorial Note: What follows is an interview we conducted with Yola Kipcak of Der Funke. Could you summarize for us your position on the current war in Palestine?  Our position as the International Marxist Tendency is very simple: We stand on the side of the oppressed, the Palestinians, against the oppressor, the Israeli state […]

We Asked

We asked: How is the Suppression of Palestinian Solidarity Unfolding in Austria? 

Editorial introduction: Since the launch of Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and Israel’s bombing of the besieged Gaza Strip, Palestinians and pro-Palestine activists in Europe are facing unprecedented censorship, policing, harassment, arrests, gag orders, and threats. In compiling reports from leftist activists across Europe, we aim to alert progressives across the region of the oppression Palestinians […]

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The people are looking for their Robin Hood – An interview with Waltraud Fritz-Klackl of the Communist Party of Austria

Note from LeftEast editors. As part of our continuing collaboration with leftist media from the region, we reprint András Juhász’ interview with Waltraud Fritz-Klackl, a member of the Communist Party of Austria since the 1970s, on the party’s historical relationship with Yugoslavia, its recent electoral success and the opportunities that lie ahead. The article appeared […]

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At the heart of Fortress Europe: A new study about Austria’s role in border externalization policies in the Balkans

On the 28th of September 2020, Ayoub N. and six of his friends were chain pushed back from Austria to Slovenia, Croatia, and eventually back to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), from where Ayoub had begun his journey to Austria a few weeks earlier. Ayoub, like many others, had been stuck for years in between the […]

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Landmark Ruling Against Pushback Practices in Austria!

This month, a Moroccan complainant who was pushed back by the Austrian border police won a case against this illegal return practice with the support of a group of activists and lawyers. The case was brought before the administrative court in Styria. This is an important verdict that sets a precedent for future transnational struggles against violence and torture of people on the move across Europe. […]
In spite of these traumatizing experiences at the Austrian border, Ayoub N. stated after being informed about the verdict:  “After hearing that I won the case, I was very happy.I was confident that we would win the case, because it is a human case. It is a painful blow to the Austrian police.”

Push-Back Alarm Austria +43 1 345 1 444

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Post(pandemic) struggles in social reproduction: Romanian live-in care workers in Austria: exploitation and self-organization

Note from the LeftEast editors:The present text, which we co-publish with TSS is part of a series of publications and webinars on the topics of social reproduction, (women’s) labour and migration in East-Central Europe and beyond. The video from the first webinar Responses to Covid-19 and (post-)pandemic: social reproduction, migrants and women in Central/Eastern Europe […]

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Austrian Presidential Elections: From tragedy to farce and back again?

It seems that when Karl Marx spoke about historical events always happening twice, once as a tragedy, the second time as a farce,[1] he thought about Austria in regard to the farce. Indeed, the eleven month long election campaign was not free of farce. From the candidacy of a rather shrill and eccentric real estate […]

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VIDEO: TalkReal in Vienna: Towards a Plan ‘D’ for Democracy in Europe

Note from the LeftEast editors: In this video of European Alternatives’ ‘TalkReal’ series the debate is on how to go beyond the pessimism that has taken over our contemporary political climate. TalkReal is published in co-operation with OpenDemocracy and Roarmag. For years we have been told ‘There is No Alternative’, that the status quo is both […]