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On Zionist colonialism and Israel/Palestine

Note from LeftEast editors: An earlier version of this essay originally appeared in Romanian in the Queers for Palestine. Statements, essays and poems[Queerș pentru Palestina. Luări de poziție, eseuri și poeme] collected by the Pink Bloc/Blocul Roz in Romania and published at the Free Pages/Pagini Libere collective in December 2023.[i] Nada Elia, a Palestinian writer, […]

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Donate to Jenin – A Christmas gift that can save lives

During Christmas, when most of the Christian world, practicing religion or not, is celebrating love in one way or another, we must not forget our Palestinian comrades, who are dying not only by bombs and shooting, but also of hunger. Donating to Jenin could be a Christmas gift that could save lives.

We Asked

We asked: How is the Suppression of Palestinian Solidarity Unfolding in Austria? 

Editorial introduction: Since the launch of Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and Israel’s bombing of the besieged Gaza Strip, Palestinians and pro-Palestine activists in Europe are facing unprecedented censorship, policing, harassment, arrests, gag orders, and threats. In compiling reports from leftist activists across Europe, we aim to alert progressives across the region of the oppression Palestinians […]

We Asked

We asked: How is the Suppression of Palestinian Solidarity Unfolding in France? 

Although as of October 21, the widespread ban on protests has been deemed unconstitutional, it remains the case that since October 7, the French government has voluntarily conflated any expression of Palestine solidarity with supporting terrorism: this is a new step in an escalation of repression premised on an attempt at silencing any voice that is not in line with the government and its positions. 

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Russian colonialism, Eastern Europe and global anti-colonial struggles

In recent years, there has been a growing tendency among scholars and activists in Eastern Europe to draw parallels and links between the “postcolonial” and the “postsocialist”. In its extreme, as Adem Ferizaj argues in his recent review, the use of postcolonial approaches in the context of postsocialism “leads to the false analogy that postsocialism […]

All posts Eveniment

Webinar: Decoloniality and Eastern Europe

The webinar ‘Decoloniality and Eastern Europe’ will explore the strategies of the left to address decoloniality in the region. The event will take place on Thursday, 4 November at 6 pm CET.

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Dialoguing Between the Posts: Can We Think Postcolonially about Central and Eastern Europe? Perspective from Poland.

Note from the LeftEast editors: we are sharing this video with the kind permission of Mithilesh Kumar. Inspired from the workshop with the same title which took place in Beograde, TISS Patna has designed a series of events on the topic. As one of the groups present at the Belgrade seminar, the LeftEast editorial collective […]

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Antarctica: the Last Frontier of Bulgaria’s Colonialist Dream

The following article was originally published in Serbo-Croatian by the online platform, Bilten. Its English version is published here with the site’s kind permission. Around mid-December 2016 a news piece announced that a monument to the Cyrillic alphabet is to be erected in Antarctica. It is a joint Bulgarian-Mongolian project. The news about the monument raised […]

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The escalation of the refugee crisis and European imperialism. An interview with Vijay Prashad.

Note from the LeftEast editors: This is a publication of two related materials. Below we repost the transcript of an interview of Vijay Prashad with Sharmini Peries from The Real News Network on the current escalation of the migrant crisis. As some of the ideas have been developed in Vijay’s recent work, among which this […]

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“What is playing itself out in Ukraine now is the clash of two opposed imperial agendas”. An interview with Gonzalo Pozo.

Source: Interview by Yuriy Dergunov, Commons: Journal of Social Criticism In the post-Soviet space the very notion of geopolitics is associated with ultra-conservative, right-wing political discourses (Aleksandr Dugin’s example is prominent here), so in our progressive circles geopolitics is widely regarded as a pseudo-science. Your idea of Marxist geopolitics would probably seem paradoxical to majority […]