All posts Interviews

Why We Desperately Need Publicly Funded and Controlled Pharmaeutical Production: An Interview With Tim Joye

In this interview, Tim Joye discusses the importance of shifting from private pharmaceutical production to public ownership, emphasizing the need to regain control over medicines’ development and production, while also boosting the need for local production. Highlighting examples and challenges, it underscores the necessity for public alternatives to address pricing, shortages, and innovation in crucial […]

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“We Need to Fight Against This Senseless March Towards a Major Military Escalation” –  Interview with Biljana Vankovska, the left-wing option for the Macedonian presidency

On the 24th April, (North) Macedonia will hold the first round of the presidential elections. The country is home to the fastest growing left-wing movement in Europe: the Levica (Left) party, whose popularity has risen in recent years, contributing to significant electoral results in the 2020 parliamentary and the 2021 local elections. In early 2024  […]

All posts Interviews Theory

“Things you might consider impossible have been accomplished before”: An Interview with Lea Horvat on the History of Mass Housing in Yugoslavia

Note from LeftEast editors: Our member Sonja Dragović interviewed Dr. Lea Horvat about her work on the architectural and cultural history of socialist Yugoslavia, which has recently produced a book “Hard Currency Concrete: A Cultural History of Mass Housing Construction in Socialist Yugoslavia and its Successor States” (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, 2024; English translation […]


The Alternative University: Lessons from Bolivarian Venezuela: An Interview with Mariya Ivancheva

Note from LeftEast editors: An early version of this interview on the monograph The Alternative University: Lessons from Bolivarian Venezuela (Stanford University Press, 2023) appeared in the journal Educational Philosophy and Theory, and in Bulgarian at the pages of our kindred ELMO member platform dVERSIA. We publish the pre-print with some modification. The book explores […]

ELMO Interviews

We Asked: How is the Suppression of Palestinian Solidarity Unfolding in Croatia?

Since the launch of Hamas’ Operation Floods of Aqsa and Israel’s bombardment of besieged Gaza, Palestinians and pro-Palestine activists in Europe have been facing unprecedented censorship, policing, harassment, arrests, gag orders, and threats. In compiling several reports from leftist activists in various locations in Europe, we aim to alert our activist communities across our region […]

All posts Interviews Protests Solidarity Call

“An absolute deluge of repression”: The criminalization of dissent in Israel today

Tibor T. Meszmann interviews Matan Kaminer Can you describe what is going on, what are the positions and challenges for the Israeli left after October 7th, after the circles of violence intensified in both Israel and in the Occupied Territories?  Whenever talking about the “Israeli left,” it’s important to begin by clarifying what is meant. […]

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“You Don’t Destroy Political Thought by Weapons”

Note from LeftEast editors. With the permission of  Lithuanian left portal Chat GPB we reprint this interview of GPB’s Tadas Janusauskas with Palestinian journalist Quassem Ali. The interview deals with subjects we rarely get to hear about: the daily lives and choices for those inside and those who left the hell of the war and […]

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Is There a Global History of Eastern Europe from a Non-Western Perspective?

Note from LeftEast editors: This article is a version of an interview Bence Horváth conducted in Hungarian with Zoltán Ginelli and Eszter Szakács, published by on 24 May, 2021. It has been translated and re-edited by Zoltán Ginelli. The original introduced the exhibition ‘Transperiphery Movement: Global Eastern Europe and Global South’ featured in the OFF-Biennale Budapest and […]


The Road will be Mastered by the Walking: an Interview with KYRGSOC

Many of us at LeftEast became aware of the leftist Kyrgyz organization KyrgSoc from its webpage, where you post original content as well as repost pieces by others. What is KyrgSoc?  What do you do? Who was it founded by and when? The idea of creating KYRGSOC matured with us in 2018/2019. The name of […]

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Slovakia’s election: “more than a fight between democracy and autocracy”

Note from LeftEast Editors: The English original of this interview, which first appeared in Hungarian, is published in English on LeftEast, thanks to our cooperation with Hungarian portal Mérce within the framework of the East European Left Media Outlet (ELMO). Early parliamentary elections will be held in Slovakia on Saturday 30th September. Former Prime Minister […]