The Croatian government announced in September 2023 new amendments to the Penal Code in which a new criminal offence will be introduced: femicide or ‘aggravated murder of a female person’. From 2020 to the end of September 2023, there have been 43 femicides committed in Croatia. An aggravated offence of murder already exists in the […]
Category: FeminEasts

Note from LeftEast editors: in this article, young journalist, activist and feminist Marija Pešić discusses how she sees recent developments in feminist organizing against femicide and against institutional inaction which greatly contributes to gender-based violence in Montenegro Zurmita Nerda passed away in January last year in the hospital due to the consequences of domestic violence […]

Translation of a column published in DOXA in Russian. «The woman behind the wheel is the driver,» says the propaganda of the Moscow region transport. From the poster, a stern, old-fashioned cold wave-laden woman behind the wheel looks into the distance. The nostalgic font, heavily associated with the USSR, Rodchenko’s iconography, the tone of voice […]

The death of Beáta Molnár, the 30-year-old woman murdered by her partner in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, brings the discussion of gender violence back into the public eye. Her dead body was found wrapped in trash bags, abandoned by the murderer near a gas station in the neighboring Bihor. And it raises the question: what can the […]

We repost this video and its original introductory text with the permission of the organizers. On May 10, Internationalism from Below teamed up with Haymarket Books, the Ukrainian leftist journal Спільне / Commons and New Politics magazine in convening How Can Feminist Solidarity Help Ukraine? — a discussion with Yuliya Yurchenko, Oksana Dutchak, Sasha Talaver, […]

In 2006, Esther Cooper Jackson, the renowned Black civil rights activist, social worker, and leftist thinker, underlined at a community event in Harlem that, “more and more of us need to become internationalist” by getting involved in struggles worldwide and making ties with oppressed people.[i] As a queer feminist activist from Belarus, I reflect on […]

I have been writing and re-writing this short reflection for seven weeks. Weeks spent aiding relatives and friends in fleeing Ukraine and directing solidarity funds to the Ukrainian resistance and mutual aid organizing. Having walked the streets of Mariupol almost every summer since I was a child, and for the last time in the summer […]

Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine and the following establishment of de facto martial law in Russia, Russians have been protesting against the war. Though this protest is weak and fragmented and exposed to government repression, it is ongoing in many cities and towns of Russia. It includes not only street demonstrations […]

Note from LeftEast editors: this article originally appeared on International Viewpoint, we reprint it with permission. I did not sign the Feminist Manifesto Against War, although I share (as I told the comrade who sent it to me) many aspects of this Manifesto, signed by women whom I hold in high esteem. I hope that my […]

Hungary’s political climate is increasingly dominated by the tensions related to the coming elections in Spring 2022. While all oppositional parties from far-right to the left had joined forces to fight the ruling party Fidesz, a new player entered the political arena in December 2021. György Gattyán, one of the richest people in Hungary, announced […]