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Who Chooses Wars for Us?

Who chooses wars for us? What does it mean that somewhere is peace and somewhere is war? Is this still peace? What kind of peace? Whose peace? Is there really peace until there are wars? So what if wars no longer exist? How can we reach worlds without wars? Can we get there? We have to. Once upon a time there was a world of wars. There was.

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Boris Kagarlitsky: The Journey Continues

Note from LeftEast editors. Our readers are probably familiar with the story of Boris Kagarlitsky, the best-known post-Soviet Marxist, a leftist dissident under Brezhnev and occasional political prisoner under Yeltsin and Putin, who was arrested in July 2023 on charges of “justifying terrorism,” aka opposing Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on his leftist media platform […]

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Evaporating Solidarity: The Response to Displacement Cannot Be Sustained by Empathy Alone

After the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, it is now time to ask what happens when the fragile social relations that were able to handle the arrival of millions of displaced people start to break down. Many commentators have argued extensively that grassroots solidarity networks consisting of individual actors and local organisations […]

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How the Post-Soviet ‘Crisis of Hegemony’ Explains Class and War in Ukraine: A Review of Volodymyr Ishchenko’s Towards the Abyss: Ukraine from Maidan to War

Published this month by Verso, Towards the Abyss  offers a Gramscian account of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, alongside a personal perspective from its author, Volodymyr Ishchenko. Verso’s and LeftEast’s readership, likely familiar with Ishchenko’s polemical articles and his theoretical framework, is now offered an edited collection of texts composed and published across […]

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Voices from Gaza: Messages from Devastation

Note from LeftEast editors: we reprint this collection of posts with permission from Insaniyyat: Palestinian Society of Anthropologists. The original post is on their webpage, here, and is updated when possible. Since the beginning of this current, most vicious, Israeli war on the people of Gaza, family and friends, including members of our Insaniyyat community, […]

ELMO Interviews

We Asked: How is the Suppression of Palestinian Solidarity Unfolding in Croatia?

Since the launch of Hamas’ Operation Floods of Aqsa and Israel’s bombardment of besieged Gaza, Palestinians and pro-Palestine activists in Europe have been facing unprecedented censorship, policing, harassment, arrests, gag orders, and threats. In compiling several reports from leftist activists in various locations in Europe, we aim to alert our activist communities across our region […]

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“An absolute deluge of repression”: The criminalization of dissent in Israel today

Tibor T. Meszmann interviews Matan Kaminer Can you describe what is going on, what are the positions and challenges for the Israeli left after October 7th, after the circles of violence intensified in both Israel and in the Occupied Territories?  Whenever talking about the “Israeli left,” it’s important to begin by clarifying what is meant. […]

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Post-Invasion Russia: A Stable New Order Or A Collapse Waiting To Happen?

LeftEast Editorial Note: On Nov. 1st, 2023, NYU’s Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia hosted a panel on post-invasion Russian political economy and popular opinion with LeftEast editors or frequent contributors Volodya Ishchenko, Ilya Matveev, Oleg Zhuravlev. Yekaterina Oziashvilli, a professor of Politics at Sarah Lawrence College, moderated the event. LeftEast is delighted to share […]

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Political Establishment in Austria Uses the Israel/Palestine Conflict for a Generalized Attack on the Left and the Workers Movement

LeftEast Editorial Note: What follows is an interview we conducted with Yola Kipcak of Der Funke. Could you summarize for us your position on the current war in Palestine?  Our position as the International Marxist Tendency is very simple: We stand on the side of the oppressed, the Palestinians, against the oppressor, the Israeli state […]

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Solidarity? Make Sure Your Tax-Money is Not Invested in War Crimes!

Note from LeftEast editors: This interview originally appeared in Mešanec in Slovenian and in English in ZNetwork. It is reprinted here with permission. A prominent writer and political activist Majed Abusalama is a co-founder of numerous organizations, one of them being Palestine speaks in Germany. Born in Gaza, he is now based between Berlin and Tampere, where he is finishing […]