Mariya Ivancheva is an anthropologist and sociologist, working as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Her work focuses on the digitalization and casualization of academic labor, intersectional inequalities re/produced in academic settings, and the role of the university in broader processes of social change especially to/from socialism. She is a founding member of the LeftEast platform, the PrecAntrho collective and is active in the Bulgarian Left-feminist group LevFem. You can follow her at @mivanche.

Mary Taylor is Assistant Director at the Center for Place, Culture and Politics, Graduate Center, City University of New York. Situated at the intersection of Anthropology, urbanism and dialogical art, her militant research focuses on sites, technologies and politics of civic cultivation, social movement, and cultural management; the relationship of ethics and aesthetics to nationalism, cultural differentiation, and people’s movements in socialist and post-socialist East-Central Europe and the United States. She studies, and organizes radical alternative pedagogical activities with others.

Philippe Alcoy researches and writes regularly on news and the history of the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Recently, he published “Hongrie 1956: les jours où les travailleurs ont défié le stalinisme” about the Council Revolution of 1956 in Hungary. He is member of the editorial board of the French website and of the Revolutionary Communist Current of the New Anticapitalist Party.

Rossen Djagalov teaches Russian and Slavic Studies at New York University. Formerly an organizer for Yale’s graduate student union (GESO) and currently a member of DSA, he works on international leftist history and culture. He is the author of From Internationalism to Postcolonialism: Literature and Cinema between the Second and the Third World (2020).

Sonja Dragovic is a doctoral researcher at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) and an activist engaged in supporting local communities in improving the methods and processes of spatial governance. Her research interests lie in urban studies, critical geography, social movements, and participatory spatial practices. She is a member of several activist and research collectives based in Portugal and Montenegro that are dedicated to studying the current approaches to policy and practice of urban development.

Zach Hicks is a Phd candidate at University of California, Berkeley. His research interests include critical theory, literary and film studies, and labor history. His dissertation explores the political economy of late- and post-Soviet cultural production in a global frame. He is also active in labor and tenant organizing. .

Adela Hincu is a contemporary historian based in Bucharest. Her interests are in Marxism-Leninism, social thought, and social sciences in Romania after 1945; poverty research and social policy during the transition in Eastern Europe; and present-day struggles for the socialization of reproductive labor globally.

Matan Kaminer is a political activist and anthropologist. He has been active in the Israeli conscientious objection movement and Palestine solidarity work, in national and municipal electoral politics, and in organizing with migrants and refugees. He has a PhD from the University of Michigan, with a dissertation on settler-farmers and migrant farm-workers from Thailand in Israel’s Arabah region, and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Haifa. Matan is a member of the board of Academia for Equality, an organization for the democratization of Israeli academia and society.

Konstantin Kilibarda is a PhD candidate in Political Science at York University. His dissertation addresses neoliberal restructuring in Montenegro and its impact on working lives and notions of citizenship in the newly independent state. His work also explores the links between postsocialist and postcolonial spaces. You can also follow him at @kolekili

Olena Lyubchenko is a PhD Candidate in Political Science, based in Toronto. Her research interests include neoliberal restructuring, dispossession, and financialization of social reproduction as well as struggles around life-making. Olena’s dissertation draws on social reproduction feminism and traces the transformation of the gender contract and social citizenship model from the Soviet to the post-Soviet era in Russia.

Tibor T. Meszmann is a researcher at the Central European Labor Studies Institute, and member of Public Sociology Working Group “Helyzet”, Budapest. His research is at the border of the interdisciplinary areas of industrial relations and sociology of work, and focuses on developments in Hungary. Tibor specializes in trade union politics, the world of labor in the metal industry, and more recently on platform work.

Sasha Talaver is a left and feminist activist from Russia. She is a Ph.D. Candidate in Gender Studies, CEU, Vienna. Her research focuses on the activity of the main state-supported women’s organization in the Soviet Union and their struggle for reproductive justice. Sasha co-edited the book Feminist Samizdat: 40 Years after (Moscow: commonplace, 2020).

Vladimir Unkovski-Korica is a member of Marks21 in Serbia. He is a historian and researcher who is currently Lecturer in Central and East European Studies at the University of Glasgow. He is the author of The Economic Struggle for Power in Tito’s Yugoslavia: From World War II to Non-Alignment (2016).

Ilya Budraitskis is Moscow-based historian and political writer. He is current member of editorial board of and Moscow Art Magazine.

Sopo Japaridze is the chair of Solidarity Network, an independent care workers union in Georgia. She has been a labor organizer for over a decade. She researches and studies labor and social relations and writes for various publications. She also co-founded the Soviet Georgia history initiative and podcast, Reimagining Soviet Georgia.

Volodymyr Ishchenko is a research fellow at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Technical University of Dresden. His research focuses on protests and social movements, revolutions, right and left politics, nationalism, civil society. He has authored a number of articles and interviews on contemporary Ukrainian politics, the Maidan uprising and the following war in 2013-14 for various publications including The Guardian, New Left Review, and Jacobin. He is currently working on a collective monograph “The Maidan Uprising: Mobilization, Radicalization, and Revolution in Ukraine, 2013-14”. He used to be a member of various new left initiatives in Ukraine and a founding editor of left-wing intellectual publication Commons: Journal of Social Criticism.

Nóra Ugron is a co-founder and former editor of a szem, a Hungarian language cultural journal of social criticism from Romania; a member of the Romanian autonomous Free Pages Publishing Collective; a theatre critic mostly writing about independent and political theatre; an independent engaged scholar interested in feminist posthumanism and new materialisms; as well as a writer and translator. She has an MA in literary studies. She is part of local and transnational radical leftist collectives and networks in Romania and Eastern Europe.