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An internationalist collective endeavour in times of rising instability: the Eastern European Left Media Network

Note from LeftEast editors: This article first appeared in the Serbian portal Mašina. It summarizes the meeting of the newly established Eastern European Left Media Outlet (ELMO) How much do we Eastern Europeans know about each other? What kind of information can we acquire about each others’ local context? Where is this information produced, in […]

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Vaccinations in Serbia: Spaces and Functions of the Legacies of Yugoslavia and Non-Alignment?

As intricate as the issues of state politics are, the matters of international relations certainly outrank them in complexity. Historical development and geographic location have a large bearing on the international relevance of a state, as do its current political and economic powers. However, the parameters that measure these factors are not always obvious, nor […]

All posts FeminEasts

Manifesto against the restriction of women’s rights in Central and Eastern Europe

The following manifesto was written by Romanian comrades, who held a solidarity event with Turkish women on 25th March in front of the Turkish Embassy in Bucharest. On the night of 19th to 20th March, the President of Turkey decided to withdraw the country from the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women […]

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LeftEast in the Dialectics of the Region’s Left

LeftEast has been around for just over eight years. It was preceded by two summer schools in Budapest, where some of its future editors—leftist East European(ist)s—met in a moment of happy recognition. One of them, Florin Poenaru, also happened to be the editor of the Romanian site CriticAtac, which hosted another meeting of East European […]

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The Tricontinental Racial Justice Movement

Throughout the Summer of 2020, Black Lives Matter protestors carried paintings of George Floyd through the streets of New York, Washington DC, and Los Angeles. In these memorable paintings, Floyd’s face –– depicted in flat, brilliant colors and a blocky design –– dominates the frame. His gaze, directed slightly away from the viewer, seems to point […]

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International workshop: The Non-Aligned Movement & Socialist Yugoslavia: exploring social, cultural, political and economic imaginaries

Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade organized an online workshop revisiting the role of Yugoslavia in the Non-Aligned Movement, February 23 -26, 2021. The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), a collaboration that began formally with a summit conference in Belgrade in 1961, has rarely been studied as a kind of ‘alter’ or ‘prior’ globalization. […]

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From Giulio to Ahmed: Why grassroots solidarity in Europe is essential to end brutal repression in Egypt

A brutally repressive regime that came to power through a military coup against an elected president, and inaugurated its reign with the largest massacre of civilians in Egyptian modern history, has been sustained by enormous arms sales and investments from Europe. On the one hand, European governments have willfully ignored the Egyptian regime’s grave violations of […]

All posts FeminEasts

(Post)pandemic struggles in social reproduction: Women’s labour before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria

Note from the LeftEast editors: The present text, which we co-publish together with TSS, is part of a series of publications and webinars on the topics of social reproduction, (women’s) labor, and migration in East-Central Europe and beyond. The video from the webinar (Post)pandemic struggles in social reproduction, where this text was first presented, can be seen here(in […]

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A Louder Periphery: Guardians of the Rioni Valley against the “Namakhvani Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP)”

“When it’s so many of us here together, we can afford to say that we don’t need a bloodshed or throwing stones to win this fight. We should all get used to the fact that our fight is long-lasting, it cannot be resolved quickly. The government should know that we will win this war with […]

Solidarity Call

A Russian socialist faces imprisonment! Solidarity needed!

Anastasia Ponkina, a 20-year-old activist of the Russian Socialist Movement in Izhevsk (Udmurt Republic), was charged with “hooliganism motivated by political hate” and could face up to 5 years in prison. On January 23, during the mass rallies held across the country against corruption and the arrest of Alexei Navalny, Anastasia actively participated in a […]