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The Popular Support for the Right to Housing in Romania

Over the last two decades in Romania, the housing question has received more attention than before, from left-wing as well as, at certain times, liberal or even right-wing organizations, alliances, and/or political actors. The country has the highest rate of overcrowding in homes in the EU (which it joined 2007) and a large population turning to […]

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FROM ACADEMIC TO ACTIVIST KNOWLEDGES: “Why invest in Romania?” Investment strategies and state interventions advancing real estate development in semi-peripheries

We share the video of a talk by Enikő Vincze, housing justice activist at Căși sociale ACUM!/Social housing NOW! and professor at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania, given as part of the seminar series organized by the Torino-based Beyond Inhabitation Lab. The talk presented results of the academic research “Class formation and re-urbanization through real […]

All posts Protests Solidarity Call

Donate to Jenin – A Christmas gift that can save lives

During Christmas, when most of the Christian world, practicing religion or not, is celebrating love in one way or another, we must not forget our Palestinian comrades, who are dying not only by bombs and shooting, but also of hunger. Donating to Jenin could be a Christmas gift that could save lives.

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A Dangerous Neighborhood: Hatvan and the Roma People in Baia Mare, 1950–1989

In 2011, the mayor of Baia Mare caused a national outcry when he initiated the building of a wall to enclose the social housing units inhabited by Roma people. One year prior, non-Roma residents in the Horea Street area had protested against “acts of aggression and robbery committed by Roma neighbors.” The main pretext for […]

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Vlad the Impaler

US poster of Jess Franco’s Count Dracula (1970). Public domain. “We’re fighting against barbarians who want to demolish our liberty and our traditions and everything we hold dear.” These are some of the words that Donald Trump addressed to a group of “freedom-loving patriots” in a prerecorded message on May 5th. These patriots, who, according […]

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The conference “Activism” is organized by the Centre for Comparative Migration Studies, the Centre for the Study of Democracy and the Department of Political Science of Babeș-Bolyai University and will take place on 4 and 5 May 2023. A call for contributions for presentations and panels was circulated in March. The signatories here organized ourselves […]

All posts Insert Interviews

[Podcast] Neda Deneva: Labour in the factory: Work to live or Live to work

Note from LeftEast editors: We share this podcast with the permission of its producers from Contrasens. “Contrasens” is a podcast which explores current themes in the field of the social sciences. The project aims to bring to the forefront and make as accessible as possible research conducted by sociologists, anthropologists and other specialists from related […]

All posts ELMO Series: Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship

Where Have Eastern Europeans Gone? Made-in-Italy Agribusiness, Mobility Control and the Great Resignation

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship. Recent limitations to the freedom of movement imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19 led farmers’ organisations (as well as other employers’) across Europe to sound the alarm, lamenting the sudden dearth of workers […]

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Calling Fascism by Its Name: The Rise of the Radical Right and Organizing Leftist Resistance in Romania

Note from LeftEast editors: This text was originally published in Courrier des Balkans (CdB), in two parts. The interview was conducted and translated to French by Florentin Cassonnet, a CdB correspondent in Bucharest. The current text is a slightly edited version of the original interview. Courrier des Balkans: You recently organized a seminar about fascism […]

All posts ELMO series: CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations

How to Turn the Locus of Deprivation to a Place Called Home: A Discussion on the Main Housing Struggles in CEE

Note from LeftEast editors. This article is a report of the closing panel discussion of the multilingual ELMO series CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations. All articles from the ELMO series, as well as the introduction, are available here in English. At the end of each English language article you can find links to CEE […]