All posts ELMO Series: Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship

Where Have Eastern Europeans Gone? Made-in-Italy Agribusiness, Mobility Control and the Great Resignation

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship. Recent limitations to the freedom of movement imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19 led farmers’ organisations (as well as other employers’) across Europe to sound the alarm, lamenting the sudden dearth of workers […]

All posts FeminEasts Insert

Solidarity and Inequality: European Socialist Women’s International Organizing in the Interwar Period

“In the Women’s Conference we are trying to get something which is new in the history of the world; we are trying to formulate a body of doctrine with regard to women’s problems seen through the eyes of the women themselves.”
Significantly, the emphasis on deep differences within Europe as well as the greater visibility of participants from countries not belonging to the Western and Central European (social democratic) core visibly shaped the final stances adopted at the 1931 Conference.