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VIDEO: “We are equal, not illegal!” Housing rights commemoration in Cluj-Napoca, December 2015

The commemorative action “We are equal, not illegal!” took place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 17/12/2015. It involved people from the marginalized ‘residential’ space of the city (called Pata Rat) and from other areas with precarious and insecure housing conditions, as well as local activists for housing justice. This public event was a moment of joint […]

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Did it Ever Happen? Social Movements and the Politics of Spontaneous Consensus in Post-Socialist Romania

Note from the LeftEast editors: This article has first appeared in Romanian on the website Criticatac. It was translated into English by Maria Pozsar and extensively reworked by the author.                          1. The Oblivion Today, only two months after they took place, the protests mentioned in […]

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Old wounds revealed as Romanian court re-opens miners’ case

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article is published in cooperation with the Serbo-Croatian web portal Bilten.Org  In recent weeks the miners are back again: This time not on the streets, but on the public agenda. The Romanian High Court, following a decision of the European Court of Human Rights reopened the file dealing with […]

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The National Bourgeoisie vs. the State Apparatus. Reconfiguring the state in Romania

It is perhaps the first time that Romania’s ongoing corruption scandals are more than just a scandal. They offer the possibility for serious theoretical reflection about wider social transformations. However, it is not because recent events dramatically altered the situation in new ways, but the opposite: recent events, precisely by their familiarity, allow us to […]


Florin Poenaru: Nature, Nationalism and Anti-Capitalism in Romania

Research Paper Series of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe No.1 In autumn 2013, Romania witnessed some of its biggest post-1989 protests. From September to about early December tens of thousands of people took to the streets in major cities of Romania. The reason was the project of an opencast mine in Roșia Montana, a small […]

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Debt, Rents and Homelessness: Housing Policies in Postsocialist Romania

On September 16, 2014, about 30 people protested in front of the Bucharest City Hall. They demanded to be offered a housing after they had been forcefully evicted a day before from their houses on 50 Vulturilor Street, in the 3rd District of the Romanian capital. They also asked the municipality to stop the speculative […]


Call for Action! Solidarity with the Resistance Camp of Vulturilor str, Bucharest

NO to Housing Injustice! NO to Forced Evictions! NO to Racism and Police Brutality! Over 100 people living in a yard of houses on 50 Vulturilor Street, Bucharest, Romania, were forcefully evicted on Monday, September 15. The community has decided from the outset to protest and reclaim their rights. This fundamental right has been gravely […]


Over 100 people in Bucharest’s 3rd District thrown out of their homes! Evictions of most vulnerable continue in Romania’s capital city.

Over 100 people living in a yard of houses on 50 Vulturilor Street from the 3rd District of Bucharest, Romania, were forcefully evicted on Monday, September 15.  Formal notices about the forceful eviction were sent in the beginning of September to the 25 families living at this address. Among those targeted are children, elderly persons […]

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RAMPA DE GUNOI (THE LANDFILL) People looking for sources of income and cheep living conditions settled down right near the landfill starting with the end of 1960s and carried on informal labour (waste selection) since then. Today approximately 250 persons are living within this neglected and life threatening territory in 50 improvised barracks. They were […]