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Financialization and horizons for transnational housing organizing after the Berlin referendum

Note from LeftEast editors: This is the recording of a public online roundtable on financialization and housing struggle, organized on November 6, 2021, by the growing network of Eastern European leftist media platforms, ELMO – Eastern European Left Media Outlet. Using the Berlin referendum vote to expropriate large-scale landlords as a reference, this roundtable gathered […]

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Webinar: Decoloniality and Eastern Europe

The webinar ‘Decoloniality and Eastern Europe’ will explore the strategies of the left to address decoloniality in the region. The event will take place on Thursday, 4 November at 6 pm CET.

All posts FeminEasts

[Book] Essential struggles: pandemic fronts

Note from LeftEast editors: the bilingual volume “Essential struggles: pandemic fronts” was published in 2021 as a result of the E.A.S.T. network collaboration during the pandemic, whose webinars and texts on social reproduction, housing and care work we featured on our website. The volume was edited by the LevFem collective members Stoyo Teteventski, Mariya Ivancheva, […]

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Webinar: Producing knowledge from the left in Eastern Europe

A webinar hosted by the Transnational Institute (TNI) will address knowledge production in Eastern Europe by leftist organizations and it will be held on 21 October at 6PM CET.

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How to understand Chinese investments in EE beyond the “China threat” narrative

Note from LeftEast editors: This article is published in a collaboration with Eastern-European leftist media platforms ELMO – East Left Media Outlet. A panel discussion organized by the Transnational Institute will address aspects of Chinese investments in Eastern Europe which are not grasped by mainstream accounts Experts will discuss key political-economic issues regarding Chinese investments […]

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Urban Struggles and Theorizing from Eastern Europe: a collective interview with Ana Vilenica, Ioana Florea, Veda Popovici and Zsuzsi Pósfai

Note from LeftEast editors: this interview first appeared as a chapter in the edited volume of Michele Lancione and Colin McFarlane Global Urbanism Knowledge, Power and the City (Routledge, 2021). It was reprinted with the kind permission of the interviewers and interviewees, and was made open access with the support of The Swedish Research Council […]

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An internationalist collective endeavour in times of rising instability: the Eastern European Left Media Network

Note from LeftEast editors: This article first appeared in the Serbian portal Mašina. It summarizes the meeting of the newly established Eastern European Left Media Outlet (ELMO) How much do we Eastern Europeans know about each other? What kind of information can we acquire about each others’ local context? Where is this information produced, in […]

All posts Protests

Mass protests across Europe show that a new politics is on the horizon

Note from LeftEast editors: We repost this article in collaboration with Counterfire where it was originally published on 29th of December 2018. ‘No Christmas for the bourgeoisie!’ declared graffiti on a wall in Paris as the Gilets Jaunes protests electrified Europe since their first protest on 17 November. Even before the series of French protests […]

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Politics of the Left beyond Resistance: Reflections and Visions from our 2017 encounter in Skopje

Report by: Mary N. Taylor, Mariya Ivancheva, Adela Gjorgjioska, Veda Popovici  Over the last seven years, members of the LeftEast collective have co-organised  encounters in collaboration with other collectives and comrades in the Eastern and Southern peripheries of Europe. This year, our late summer encounter took place in the Macedonian capital Skopje, hosted by Social […]

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From historical affinities to effective solidarities: Israel and Eastern Europe

  In a column in Ha’aretz last year, historian and journalist Ofri Ilany pointed out to his Israeli audience a number of affinities between Israel and Eastern Europe, ranging from the culinary to the political (Hebrew). As an antidote to the Western-oriented provincialism of the Israeli liberal sphere, Ilany’s intervention was welcome, but building effective […]