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In solidarity with the global strike for Palestine we publish this statement from the Free Palestine Collective at Central European University (CEU) in Austria – an institution that remains connected to our region’s post-1989 history. In Europe, those who are mobilizing against the ongoing genocide in Gaza are being met with state repression. In these […]


The Road will be Mastered by the Walking: an Interview with KYRGSOC

Many of us at LeftEast became aware of the leftist Kyrgyz organization KyrgSoc from its webpage, where you post original content as well as repost pieces by others. What is KyrgSoc?  What do you do? Who was it founded by and when? The idea of creating KYRGSOC matured with us in 2018/2019. The name of […]

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“The roots of the reactionary bloc lie in the supposed ‘democratic’ camp”: Interview with the Slovak collective Karmína

Can you tell us a bit more about Karmína? What is your origin story? What do you do? How do you define yourself as a platform/collective? Karmína was established in 2017 as an informal group that runs a collective blog. Some of us have previously worked together, since the mid-2000s, in other initiatives on the […]

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Armenia in Crisis: How Did We Get Here and What’s Next

I first started working on this article on September 17. I was supposed to turn in a draft article about the high risk of Azerbaijan launching an offensive at Nagorno-Karabakh and next invading Armenia within a week. I told my editor we needed to publish the article as soon as possible because war could break […]

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“The Most Important Battlefield Is the Ideological Battlefield”: An Interview with the Workers’ Front of Ukraine

In the social tapestry of post-Soviet nations, an enigmatic phenomenon has quietly taken root that might be called the “neo-Soviet renaissance.” Western commentators typically represent this movement as a misguided and inaccurate “Soviet nostalgia,” one conveniently harnessed by savvy politicians like Vladimir Putin for their own agendas, but this phenomenon is both deeper and more […]

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Russia’s War Is a Failed Answer to Its Demographic Crisis

Note from LeftEast editors: This article was first published on Jacobin on April 23, 2023, and is reprinted here with permission. “The demographic doom loop has not, it appears, diminished Mr Putin’s craving for conquest. But it is rapidly making Russia a smaller, worse-educated and poorer country, from which young people flee and where men […]

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Slovakia’s election: “more than a fight between democracy and autocracy”

Note from LeftEast Editors: The English original of this interview, which first appeared in Hungarian, is published in English on LeftEast, thanks to our cooperation with Hungarian portal Mérce within the framework of the East European Left Media Outlet (ELMO). Early parliamentary elections will be held in Slovakia on Saturday 30th September. Former Prime Minister […]

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Sudan: revolutions that learn from each other (Part II)

Ana Vilenica and Lucilla Lepratti continue their conversation with Ahmed Isamaldin from SudanUprising Germany, the first part of which you can find here. This conversation was recorded on 2 July 2023 to explore the work of SudanUprising Germany in  raising awareness about the Sudanese revolution and the ongoing war. Ana and Lucilla are part of […]

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Sudan: revolutions that learn from each other (Part I)

Note from LeftEast editors: this pieces is a conversation between Ana Vilenica and Lucilla Lepratti and Ahmed Isamaldin from SudanUprising Germany. It was recorded on 2 July 2023 to explore the work of SudanUprising Germany in raising awareness about the Sudanese revolution and the ongoing war. Ana and Lucilla are part of collectives that signed […]

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“The road of life”: how the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh live under the blockade

LeftEast Editors’ Note: These are days of heightened possibility for another war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, or more accurately, the latter attacking the former to capitalize on its victory in the 2020 war. There are reports of military build-ups along the border and some frantic diplomatic efforts. Zhanna Ohanesian’s article, originally published in the Ukrainian leftist […]