An Interview with Rory Archer and Mladen Zobec Rory Archer and Mladen Zobec; Photo: Mašina Note from LeftEast editors: We reprint András Juhász’s interview with Rory Archer and Mladen Zobec, originally published by Masina, as part of our collaboration within ELMO – The Eastern European Left Media Outlet. Why did many Albanians work in the […]
Category: ELMO Series: Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship. Recent limitations to the freedom of movement imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19 led farmers’ organisations (as well as other employers’) across Europe to sound the alarm, lamenting the sudden dearth of workers […]

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship. Sourcing labour from Serbia has never been easier. But the recruitment channels are not managed or monitored. With fake information circulating and actors willing to profit from migration flows, Serbian labour migrants are in […]

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship. Since the so-called ‘migration crisis’ in 2015, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has become a key figurehead of an ultra-conservative and illiberal European right.[1] This politics is anchored in virulent anti-immigration positions and fierce […]

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship. With the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, approximately 7.8 million Ukrainians have fled to European countries[1], searching for safety abroad.[2] According to UNHCR Regional intentions report, approximately 87%[3] of […]

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series Transnational migration in CEE from intersectional perspectives of race, gender, class and citizenship Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, took most Ukrainians by surprise. Many thought it was some kind of misunderstanding that could be resolved by political leaders’ negotiations within a matter […]

The Eastern European Left Media Outlet – ELMO is launching a multilingual thematic article series, consisting of 5 parts and this introduction. The general theme of the ELMO series is transnational migration in the broadest sense of “mobility in terms of human movement across national borders” (Yeoh and Ramdas 2014). We find the theme especially […]