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Ukrainian Refugees, Anti-immigration Politics, and the Limits of Solidarity in Slovakia

In a long-term view of the eastern EU border, it is heightened militarization and exclusion that is the norm, with the kind of openness we are witnessing with regard to the Ukrainians being the exception. What, then, is to be done in a country like Slovakia where there is little hope that things will change through the state and how to politically link the unprecedented solidarity with Ukrainian refugees to the larger struggle for a more just and inclusive border regime in Europe?

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Which Victims Count? The EU and Refugees from Ukraine

LeftEast is reprinting this important analysis by Monika Mokre on the contradictions of the EU’s refugee policy, in light of the current Russian aggression in Ukraine. The piece originally appeared on the Refugee Outreach and Research Network (ROR-n) website. It was at the end of the 1990s when the EU once again realized that it […]

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There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth: Experiences of people on the move on a new (iteration of the) Balkan route through Romania

With the increasing militarization of the Croatian-Bosnian border and in an overall hostile environment towards migrants, the Balkan route has been shifting in recent months towards Romania. Since October 2020, there has been a sharp increase in the number of people crossing the border in Serbia and ending up in or around Timişoara, the largest […]

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May Day in the Making

Click on the triangular “play” button above to hear this segment. In this audeo clip, first broadcast by Public Radio International/WNYC in New York, historian Peter Linebaugh discusses the history and future of International Workers Day–or, to use the title of his latest book, “the incomplete, true, authentic and wonderful history of May Day.” Many […]


The most recent victims of “Fortress Europe”

Note from editors: This article has been translated from the Serbo­-Croatian web portal Bilten.Org. Late on Thursday night, near the city of Veles in Macedonia, at least 14 refugees were run over and killed by a train. News agencies have reported that they were fleeing war ­torn countries, such as Afghanistan, Somalia and Syria. The […]