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“Do Not Be Silenced”: Interview with Francesca Albanese

Note from LeftEast editors: The horrors of violence and the struggle for justice in Palestine are intertwined with the struggles unfolding in streets, classrooms, and university campuses across the world. As students in Serbia take to the streets to demand an end to authoritarianism and systemic violence, their voices echo those of students, scholars, and activists […]

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On Zionist colonialism and Israel/Palestine

Note from LeftEast editors: An earlier version of this essay originally appeared in Romanian in the Queers for Palestine. Statements, essays and poems[Queerș pentru Palestina. Luări de poziție, eseuri și poeme] collected by the Pink Bloc/Blocul Roz in Romania and published at the Free Pages/Pagini Libere collective in December 2023.[i] Nada Elia, a Palestinian writer, […]

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Voices from Gaza: Messages from Devastation

Note from LeftEast editors: we reprint this collection of posts with permission from Insaniyyat: Palestinian Society of Anthropologists. The original post is on their webpage, here, and is updated when possible. Since the beginning of this current, most vicious, Israeli war on the people of Gaza, family and friends, including members of our Insaniyyat community, […]

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Suffocating the academic and student solidarity movement for Palestinian liberation in Finnish higher education (Part 3)

We share this piece by Anaïs Duong-Pedica on the obstacles faced by the student solidarity movement for Palestinian liberation in Finland, originally published by We find that it complements the reports we have been collecting from leftist activists in various locations in Europe, aiming to alert the activist communities across our region to the oppression […]

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Suffocating the academic and student solidarity movement for Palestinian liberation in Finnish higher education (Part 2)

We share this piece by Anaïs Duong-Pedica on the obstacles faced by the student solidarity movement for Palestinian liberation in Finland, originally published by We find that it complements the reports we have been collecting from leftist activists in various locations in Europe, aiming to alert the activist communities across our region to the oppression […]

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Donate to Jenin – A Christmas gift that can save lives

During Christmas, when most of the Christian world, practicing religion or not, is celebrating love in one way or another, we must not forget our Palestinian comrades, who are dying not only by bombs and shooting, but also of hunger. Donating to Jenin could be a Christmas gift that could save lives.

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Suffocating the academic and student solidarity movement for Palestinian liberation in Finnish higher education (Part 1)

We share this piece by Anaïs Duong-Pedica on the obstacles faced by the student solidarity movement for Palestinian liberation in Finland, originally published by We find that it complements the reports we have been collecting from leftist activists in various locations in Europe, aiming to alert the activist communities across our region to the […]

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Solidarity? Make Sure Your Tax-Money is Not Invested in War Crimes!

Note from LeftEast editors: This interview originally appeared in Mešanec in Slovenian and in English in ZNetwork. It is reprinted here with permission. A prominent writer and political activist Majed Abusalama is a co-founder of numerous organizations, one of them being Palestine speaks in Germany. Born in Gaza, he is now based between Berlin and Tampere, where he is finishing […]

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Palestine’s Night Is Long

“Iraq’s night is long Dawn breaks only to the murdered praying half a prayer and never finishing a greeting to anyone.” –Mahmoud Darwish (Tr. Sinan Antoon) In a moment impregnated with the weight of a murdered world, Gaza is being martyred in the dark.[i] She ascends as my heart descends in a familiar abyss. Long […]

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A letter to Europe from a Palestinian

I am writing this letter as news continues to reach me of relatives, neighbours, and friends being killed in Gaza by Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment. Dear Europeans, I, like millions of Palestinians, am living through the worst nightmare of yet another round of mass death and destruction unleashed on our people – something you would often […]