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Which Victims Count? The EU and Refugees from Ukraine

LeftEast is reprinting this important analysis by Monika Mokre on the contradictions of the EU’s refugee policy, in light of the current Russian aggression in Ukraine. The piece originally appeared on the Refugee Outreach and Research Network (ROR-n) website. It was at the end of the 1990s when the EU once again realized that it […]

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“Serbia is (not) for Sale”: On Lithium, Hunger and Other Betrayals

This is the first part of a two-part series on anti-lithium mining protests that have erupted in Serbia over the last several months, and the broader environmental movement around it. Last September, the outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel made her farewell tour to the Balkans. In Belgrade, she was welcomed by Aleksandar Vučić, the Serbian president […]

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Gabriel Boric’s Turbulent and Fast-Paced Road to the Chilean Presidency

On the night of 19 December 2021, in front of tens of thousands of supporters, Gabriel Boric, the presidential candidate of a left and centre-left parties’ coalition, gave his victory speech after defeating the far-right candidate José Antonio Kast in the run-off. In his address, he pledged to guard the country’s ongoing constituent process and […]

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The Anti-Capitalist Basis and Potential of the Slogan: “We Want Social Housing, Not Militarization”

Note from LeftEast editors: This article originally appeared in Romanian in The Political Art Gazette and we publish it as part of the collaboration in the ELMO – Eastern European Left Media Outlet network. On March 8th, 2022, responding to the invitation of Meduza Kolektiv and Rhythms of Resistance Cluj, the radical housing justice movement […]

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Land on the Move: Inequality and Consolidation of Agricultural Land in Serbia

While the recent protests in Serbia have focused on environmental protection specifically and the increasingly authoritarian nature of the ruling party more generally, the catalyst for the protests is land. They started in reaction to a planned lithium mining project by the infamous Rio Tinto company and corresponding legislation that would have made land expropriation […]

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Against war in Ukraine and the New Imperialism: A Letter of Solidarity with the Oppressed

After a long winter of the covid-19 pandemic, the first glimpses of a coming spring offer a vision of new bloodshed. We have now witnessed more than a week of Russian invasion and war on Ukraine, a stretch of time that will be seen as an undeniable rupture in international relations. Things are moving at […]

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Bulgaria: Between Pro-War Consensus and the Need for an Anti-War Movement

This article was originally published by Diversia. It was translated into English and a version updated by the author is republished here as part of a cooperation between Eastern European leftist media platforms in ELMO (Eastern European Left Media Outlet). As the reactions to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have shown, Bulgaria is not ready for a new anti-war movement, […]

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Czech Rohlík Couriers: Fatigue, Traffic Accidents, and Constant Surveillance

The Czech Rohlík company, which specializes in the delivery of fresh baked goods, is expanding to Austria and Germany, where it is making massive investments. Nevertheless, they are tough on workers at home. [This piece was originally published by and was translated by Ian Mikyska. The article is part of the regional collaborative publishing […]

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The War in Ukraine Seen on the Ground. Interview with Oksana Dutchak

Oksana Dutchak is a researcher based in Ukraine and an activist of E.A.S.T. – Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational. She tells about the current ever-changing situation in Ukraine and local attempts of self-organization to cope with the war. The question of how to create a transnational politics of peace has no easy answer. Continuing to mobilize […]

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Putin’s Invasion: Imperialism after the epoch of Lenin and Wilson

Cihan Tuğal on the implications of US and Russian wars of aggression since the end of the Cold War, and their meaning for the rights of nations to self-determination.