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Tracing Social Movements in Georgia, from Crisis to Crisis… An interview with Anna and Lela Rekhviashvili.

  Note from the LeftEast editors: We publish this piece in expression of solidarity with the Georgian NGO Identoba, whose Chair has received a number of death threats after she criticized the Christmas speech of the Patriarch of Georgia, which denigrated women. LeftEast has previously published a piece on the controversy between Identoba and the […]

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New but Still Cold. An interview with Gilbert Achcar.

Ilya Budraitskis interviews the Franco-Lebanese political scientist Gilbert Achcar about who is to blame for the New Cold War, and whether there are progressive ideas, which could be placed at the foundation of global order. Interview: New but Still Cold (Ilya Budraitskis Interviews Gilbert Achcar) 19 December 2014 Ilya Budraitskis: The question I want to […]

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The Women’s Front for Labour and Social Rights in Croatia. An Interview with Vedrana Bibić and Tina Tešija.

Left East’s Vladimir Unkovski-Korica spoke with Vedrana Bibić and Tina Tešija from the Women’s Front for Labour and Social Rights in Zagreb. Could you tell us about who and what gave rise to the Women’s Front for Labour and Social Rights? What does the initiative stand for? The Women’s Front for Labour and Social Rights is […]

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The formation of the Workers’ Front (Croatia): “Revolution, if necessary”

This interview was originally published in the Croatian portal Index. The English translation appeared at the official website of the Radnicka Fronta. “If you want to live in a more just society, join us in our struggle,” the members of a relatively new initiative on the Croatian political scene, the Workers’ Front, are inviting people […]

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“The left is rising again in Croatia”. An interview with Demian Vokši.

Demian Vokši (Rijeka) is an active member of the Workers’ Front. He is a long-time activist and freelance author, writing mostly commentaries on the geopolitics of the Middle East.         Vladimir Unkovski-Korica (LeftEast) is a member of Marks21 in Serbia. He is a historian and researcher who is currently Assistant Professor at […]

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“What ought to be looking into the heart of the beast.” Interview with Don Kalb on the old and new Left in Eastern Europe (1).

source Platzforma Interview with Don Kalb, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at Central European University (Budapest), May 2014 (Butuceni village, R. of Moldova, ReSET summer school) Patricipants: Don Kalb, Petru Negură, Alex Voronovici, Andrei Cuşco Petru Negură: To start the discussion, I wonder about the socialist and communist parties in the post-socialist countries, whether these parties still […]

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“What is playing itself out in Ukraine now is the clash of two opposed imperial agendas”. An interview with Gonzalo Pozo.

Source: Interview by Yuriy Dergunov, Commons: Journal of Social Criticism In the post-Soviet space the very notion of geopolitics is associated with ultra-conservative, right-wing political discourses (Aleksandr Dugin’s example is prominent here), so in our progressive circles geopolitics is widely regarded as a pseudo-science. Your idea of Marxist geopolitics would probably seem paradoxical to majority […]

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“Bulgaria has still not reached the bottom”. An interview with Mariya Ivancheva.

This interview was taken by Ioanna Drosou from the Greek newspaper Epohi and the original version in Greek is available here. How would you comment on the result of the elections? The results of the election are no big surprise for anyone. As some political commentators, myself included, predicted already in February 2013, when Boyko Borissov […]

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“We need to support forms of liberation struggle unconditionally”. An interview on Syria with Joseph Daher.

Note from the LeftEast editors: The following interview was conducted with the Syrian revolutionary Joseph Daher by Italian journalist and activist Mattia Gallo. It provides an important perspective on the current Western intervention in Iraq and Syria that has been excluded from much of the mainstream media reporting of this conflict. We acknowledge that the […]

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A Left Perspective on Kosovo. An Interview with Rron Gjinovci

Rron Gjinovci was born in 1989 in Prishtina, Kosovo. He started his bachelor in University of Prishtina studying Engineering Physics and Philosophy. After a symbolic action in 2010, where Rron and one of his colleagues threw red paint on rector he was expelled from studies. Also Rron was imprisoned for a month in prison of Lipjan because of this symbolic […]