
More than a refuge, a welcome

Note from the LeftEast editors: This article by Manuela Zechner, Bue Rübner Hansen, and Francesco Salvini was published on the website of OpenDemocracy.Net on the 8 October 2015, This text was written in the context of Barcelona en Comú and the incipientRefuge Cities network and edited with David Llistar for publication in Hundreds, sometimes thousands of people […]

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VIDEO: Precarity in the Periphery: A glance to East for making Europe

source and full article: DinamoPress Video reportage from eastern Europe, towards the transnational meeting in Poznan. An overview on precarity, austerity and movements from outside the eurozone. The peripheries of Europe are the centre of the austerity measures of current endless crisis and, at the same times, the centre of social turbulences of migrations. These […]


Why is Russia backing Assad?

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article written by the editors of the Russian socialist website OpenLeft.Ru was posted in an English translation by Nick Evans at RS21.Org.Uk. A whole range of evidence [also here] indicates that Russia is activating its military aid for the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad up to the point of direct involvement of Russian troops […]


#crossingnomore: “We have forgotten what it is like to feel safe”

by Caoimhe Butterly, source facebook A few kilometres away from the small Serbian border town of Sid, a dirt track through corn and turnip fields serves as passage to tens of thousands of women, men and children seeking refuge and lives of more possibility. The unofficial border crossing between Serbia and Croatia is surrounded by […]


Looking through the fence: Hungary’s refugee psyche

by Eszter Kovacs, source OpenDemocracy.Net While the Hungarian government uses a timeless mix of methods – fences, racism, police force, self-pity and tear gas amongst others – to argue against the right of people to flee war and attempt to gain sanctuary in Europe, we must remember it is not the only country doing so. […]


Greece: first thoughts on the electoral outcome

Note from the LeftEast editors: we post this comment written by an author with pseudonym Quincey, first published on AnalyzeGreece. We are looking for more analyses and reactions on the electoral results in Greece in the following week, so if you have authored anything or are planning to do so, consider submitting it to lefteasteditors [at] […]


#crossingnomore: “We don’t want to drown no more!”

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article has been written by Mathias Fiedler, currently in Istanbul, for BorderMonitoring.Eu. The article is reprinted here with the permission of the author. We also insert a video which the Marxist website Marksist.Org has published (below) with the voices of the Syrian refugees at the Edirne bus terminal. It has been in planning for some […]


Turkey: Academics Call for Peace and Justice

We, the undersigned academics, are deeply concerned about the escalating violence after the general elections held on June 7th in Turkey. After these elections, AKP, the previously ruling party, has lost its absolute majority status and yet appears to act as if its status has not changed, undermining the electoral votes. The transition government put […]



Turkey is increasingly drifting into a civil war. Politics of violence have escalated after the general elections of June 7 led by the AKP provisional government. Today, the peace and negotiation process between PKK and the Turkish state has come to a halt and war has started again. Just within the last month, severe clashes […]


Ukraine’s government bears more responsibility for ongoing conflict than the far-right

The question of autonomy in the Donbass has fractured the fragile coalition, but the government must start thinking of solutions – not point fingers at paramilitaries anti-autonomy protests in Ukraine (in pictures)   by Volodymyr Ishchenko The Guardian, 05.09.2015 Violence erupted outside the parliament building in Kiev this week during protests against constitutional changes which […]