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The Same Old European Deal: Countering the Myth of Green Capitalism in Bulgaria

Editorial note: This text is a contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s “After Extractivism” text series, and was originally published in English on Mediapart; the German version is available on Berliner Gazette. You can find more contents on the English-language “After Extractivism” website. Have a look here: In April 2022, the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water […]

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Food Sovereignty and the Global Food System: A Review of Fordulat #29

Amid the geopolitical and humanitarian crisis generated by the war in Ukraine, another crisis is unfolding globally which is also heavily affected by the war. Global food supply problems could cause food shortages and famine in several low-income countries in North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Global food prices, increasing since the 2000s, had reached a […]

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Who stands with Ukraine in the long term? On the invisible labour of Ukrainian migrant communities 

One of Warsaw’s major railway stations, working as an information point for Ukrainians fleeing Russia’s invasion, was full of people. It was early May, and the crowds had shrunk as the number of those crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border had decreased. Yet, there was a dire need for volunteers speaking Ukrainian and Russian ready to provide […]

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The political logic of Russia’s imperialism

Volodymyr Artiukh presented this text at the conference ‘New Times? Confronting the Escalating Crises of Capitalism’ in Budapest 26-27 May, organized by the Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies and the Commission of Global Transformations and Marxian Anthropology-IUAES in cooperation with the Working Group for Public Sociology ‘Helyzet’, ‘Capitalism Nature Socialism’, ‘Focaal – Journal […]

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Ukrainian identity map in wartime: Thesis-antithesis-synthesis?

Denys Gorbach presented this text at the conference ‘New Times? Confronting the Escalating Crises of Capitalism’ in Budapest 26-27 May, organized by the Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies and the Commission of Global Transformations and Marxian Anthropology-IUAES in cooperation with the Working Group for Public Sociology ‘Helyzet’, ‘Capitalism Nature Socialism’, ‘Focaal – Journal […]

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Strengthening the Authoritarian Turn? The EU Common Agricultural Policy’s Impact on Czech and Hungarian Politics

Although the goal of the newly proposed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is to stabilise farmers’ income and revitalise rural society, it continues to disproportionately favour large agribusinesses. Capital concentration pushes small farmers out of business, contributing to rural degradation. Especially impacted are rural communities in the Czech Republic and Hungary due to a combination of […]

All posts ELMO series: CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations

Without shelter: housing policy in wartime

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations and it originally appeared in English and Ukrainian on Spilne/Commons on 2nd April 2022. Translated from Ukrainian by Yuliia Kulish. “The realtor said that today there were more than 300 requests, with only 5 apartments successfully found.” “We searched all […]

All posts ELMO series: CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations

Countering housing dispossession in Cluj, the Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations. The pursuit of international recognition of its urban policies turned into a major source of legitimacy for the Romanian municipality of Cluj-Napoca. The city has been designated the 2015 European Capital of Youth. Next year it made it into the […]

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The Birth and Death of the “Russian World”: a History of the Concept

The “Russian world” is one of the key elements of Putin’s official ideology, which served to justify the military invasion in Ukraine. In this article, originally published in the new anti-war web platform POSLE.MEDIA, which you should follow and support, one of its editors, the political theorist Ilya Budraitskis, analyzes the genealogy of the “Russian […]

All posts ELMO series: CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations

“We all have to live somewhere!” The Hungarian housing movement – a bottom-up view – 1989-2021

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations. This article[i] gives a brief overview of the last 30 years of the Hungarian housing movement[ii] and housing policy. It divides the era into four phases and gives an insight into how organizations – both on the left and the […]