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Class and minority struggles in Iran today: Interview with Kamran Matin

Following Donald Trump’s repudiation of the Iran sanctions deal and threats of war and the economic protests that brought thousands of people out to the streets against the country’s government, the Islamic Republic is now increasing its repression in the predominantly Kurdish Northwest. LeftEast’s interview with Dr. Kamran Matin of the Department of International Relations […]

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The USS Strike: pensions are the trigger, but the strike is about discontent with academic working conditions in the UK

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article first appeared in Serbian on the comradely web portal Masina and was kindly translated and adapted for LeftEast by its author. The biggest strike in the history of British higher education started last Thursday. Lectturers and researchers at around sixty British universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Exeter and Imperial College […]

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Anger from the underground: Bulgarian miners in wildcat strike

Note from the LeftEast editors: we republish this material originally posted  by evgeni5150 on  The miners from Obrochishte – the third largest manganese mine in the world, located in eastern Bulgaria, went on wildcat strike on 01.06.2017. The strike was supported by the anarchosyndicalists from ARS (Avtonomen Rabotnicheski Sindikat / Autonomous Workers Union), while the bureaucratic union […]


Victoria Lomasko: Russian Truckers Prepare for Nationwide Strike

Chronicle of a Troubled Time by Victoria Lomasko The Khimki Truckers’ Camp Readies Itself for Nationwide Strike Translated and published by TheRussianReader. Truckers’ camp in Khimki Sergei Vladimirov, a coordinator at the Khimki truckers’ camp: “In the early days, we pushed everybody away and were suspicious of each other. We didn’t know each other yet.” […]


Zhanoazen, Kazakhstan: Who Ordered the Killings and Tortures?

by Gabriel Levy, on (December 13, 2015) Who ordered police to shoot down oil workers demonstrating for fair living standards? Who organised the torture of activists in police cells? Four years after police killed at least 16 demonstrators and injured 60 more in the oil city of Zhanaozen in western Kazakhstan, trade unionists and human […]

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VIDEO: Where have all the workers gone

This film tells the tale of textile workers in post-Yugoslav states. The garment industry was very successful in socialist times, and employed thousands of workers, particularly women. After the Yugoslav break-up and post-socialist transition, however, the industry underwent a process of economic decline and deindustrialisation. Textile workers in the former Yugoslavia faced factory closures, job […]


Thousands of Polish workers to take part in the first ever migrant workers strike in Britain

by Jonathan Owen The Independent 08.08.2015 Thousands of Polish people working in Britain are expected to take part in the first ever migrant workers strike in this country later this month. The protest, planned for Thursday 20th August, is the result of discussions on Polish internet forums by people angry at immigrants being blamed for […]


International Workers’ Day: Ivan Ovsiannikov

Ivan Ovsiannikov is a member of the St. Petersburg Interregional Union: “Workers Association” “As far as anti-workers laws are concerned, the main one is the de facto ban on striking in labor law. In practice, it is impossible to conduct strikes because of the bureaucratic procedure involved. Or rather, to strike, one must work outside […]

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Spring has arrived in Macedonia: thousands of pupils and students protest against education policies. An interview with High School Plenum.

Thousands of pupils, students  and teachers marched today across the country, in a renewed challenge to governmental education policies. Organised by the High School Plenum,  the protest comes two months after the Student Plenum declared victory against reforms in Higher Education on the 24th of February, 3 months after the students’ first march on the […]


Workers in the New Turkey

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article by Daniel Johnson was originally published on Jacobin. Already a country hostile to workers, Turkey has now effectively banned the strike. For a moment in May 2014, following a mine explosion that killed 301 coal miners in the western Turkish city of Soma, international attention was focused on the plight […]