
Call for international meeting, manifestation and solidarity action in Slovenia

For more than a week the so-called Balkan Route is passing through Slovenia. The Slovenian government intended to impose the entrance quota of 2500 refugees per day. Croatia answered by sending the refugees and migrants over the so-called “Green” border. This controversy between Slovenia and Croatia created dire humanitarian conditions for the refugees and migrants. […]

We Asked

International Workers’ Day: resounding struggles from Greece to Russia

“For more than twenty years have the wage workers of this country begged and prayed their masters, the factory lords, to reduce their burdens. It has been in vain.” – this proclamation could easily have come from a 1st of May rally in 2015, as it remains equally relevant today. But it dates back to […]


International Workers’ Day: Goran Lukič

Goran Lukič works at the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia as an expert on labour market policy, internal and web communication. “In last few years trade unions have been put under enormous pressure to “oblige” the rules of so the called European semester, which is of course nothing else than a synonym for […]


Perils of Parliamentary Immersion

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article is re-published from the author’s  Word Press page. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead Three years ago, in 2012, Initiative for Democratic Socialism(IDS) didn’t actually exist. It was just a small group […]

All posts FeminEasts We Asked

Was the 8th of March cancelled in the Balkans this year?

Wrapped in a perfumed Valentine’s-meets-Mother’s-Day packaging, year after year International Women’s Day seems to become further stripped of its political flavour. What is worrying is that this occurs at a time when women face deteriorating conditions across the region, in their homes, at the work place and society at large. We asked activists, researchers and […]

FeminEasts Insert We Asked

International Women’s Day in the Balkans: Anita Tolić

Anita Tolić is a member of the Initiative for Democratic Socialism and Institute for Labour Studies in Slovenia. “In the relative absence of an organized, progressive feminist struggle, the economic and social circumstances, which generate re-traditionalisation, re-patriarchalisation and re-domestification of women, threaten to cause even further regression of the historical achievements for which women (and […]

All posts Interviews

‘The Formation of a European Movement is Key’. An interview with Anej Korsika, Initiative for Democratic Socialism, Slovenia.

Note from LeftEast editors: The following interview was originally published in the Slovenian journal Pogledi. It is translated and published here with kind permission from both interviewer (Bostjan Tadel) and interviewee (Anej Korsika). The Initiative for Democratic Socialism (IDS) is a Leftist organization initially conceived following the mass protests that shook Slovenia in the winter […]