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The Popular Support for the Right to Housing in Romania

Over the last two decades in Romania, the housing question has received more attention than before, from left-wing as well as, at certain times, liberal or even right-wing organizations, alliances, and/or political actors. The country has the highest rate of overcrowding in homes in the EU (which it joined 2007) and a large population turning to […]

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Palestine ’48: House Demolitions, Good Arabs And Resistance

Thanks to Z magazine’s generosity, LeftEast is delighted to republish Kristina Božič‘s interview with Majd Nasrallah on the life of Palestinian citizens of Israel. Majd Nasrallah has worked in Palestinian cultural institutions and is a local community organizer with a degree in international law and human rights. He talks about criminal violence being the last […]

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The 11th March for Housing Will Make the Housing Crisis an Issue for Local Elections in Budapest

Note from LeftEast Editors: The English translation of this interview, which first appeared in Hungarian, is published on LeftEast thanks to our cooperation with Hungarian portal Mérce within the framework of the East European Left Media Outlet (ELMO). You can read the original article at: The Budapest Housing March (Lakásmenet) was held for the 11th […]

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The conference “Activism” is organized by the Centre for Comparative Migration Studies, the Centre for the Study of Democracy and the Department of Political Science of Babeș-Bolyai University and will take place on 4 and 5 May 2023. A call for contributions for presentations and panels was circulated in March. The signatories here organized ourselves […]

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Constructing Fate

What would the earthquake-stricken landscape look like if the AKP-connected construction industry had had to abide by building codes? Justus Links for N+1mag. Reprinted with permission. TWO MEN LIE ON THEIR SIDES on the cobblestone, looking sideways toward the car’s tires. A heavy winter boot bears down on the right cheek of one of these men. […]

All posts ELMO series: CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations

How to Turn the Locus of Deprivation to a Place Called Home: A Discussion on the Main Housing Struggles in CEE

Note from LeftEast editors. This article is a report of the closing panel discussion of the multilingual ELMO series CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations. All articles from the ELMO series, as well as the introduction, are available here in English. At the end of each English language article you can find links to CEE […]

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Price liberalization will result in higher living costs

This article was originally published in Romanian in issue no. 18 of the Housing Justice Magazine “Cărămida” (The Brick), launched on the occasion of the protest organized in Cluj-Napoca by Căși sociale ACUM/ Social Housing NOW!, Gastivists, Fridays for Future, the Group for Socialist Action, and the Union of Militant Pupils and Students. The article […]

All posts ELMO series: CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations

Without shelter: housing policy in wartime

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations and it originally appeared in English and Ukrainian on Spilne/Commons on 2nd April 2022. Translated from Ukrainian by Yuliia Kulish. “The realtor said that today there were more than 300 requests, with only 5 apartments successfully found.” “We searched all […]

All posts ELMO series: CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations

Countering housing dispossession in Cluj, the Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations. The pursuit of international recognition of its urban policies turned into a major source of legitimacy for the Romanian municipality of Cluj-Napoca. The city has been designated the 2015 European Capital of Youth. Next year it made it into the […]

All posts ELMO series: CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations

“We all have to live somewhere!” The Hungarian housing movement – a bottom-up view – 1989-2021

This article is part of the multilingual ELMO series CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations. This article[i] gives a brief overview of the last 30 years of the Hungarian housing movement[ii] and housing policy. It divides the era into four phases and gives an insight into how organizations – both on the left and the […]