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Russian Presidential elections 2018: predicable results with unpredictable aftermath 

Translated from the original Russian by Joseph Livesey According to forecasts, the upcoming March 18 presidential elections in Russia will proceed without any surprises, as just the latest legitimization of another presidential term for Vladimir Putin. However, this foreseeable ‘victory,’ gained via massive pressure on the electorate and the Kremlin’s tight control over the political […]


Dutiful dirges of Davos

This post was first published on the Global Inequality blog run by Branko Milanovic. “You will find me eager to help you, but slow to take any step.” Euripides, Hecuba Thousands of people will gather next week in Davos. Their combined wealth will reach several hundred billion dollars, perhaps even close to a trillion. Never […]


Hard working bankers helped create the tyranny of the clock

This post was first published on Anne L. Murphy’s personal blog. Are you working against the clock? Struggling to make that next deadline? Operating in an environment of presenteeism where time at your desk counts for more than your actual productivity? In a recent Radio 4 programme, Emma Griffin blamed industrialisation for the tyranny of the […]

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Afrin Will Not Be Alone! (excerpts from the Call for Solidarity by the Democratic Administration of Rojava)

Note from LeftEast: In the last few days, the Turkish government and mainstream media, which has been brought in line by journalist arrests (at least 122 in prison so far, another 520 being tried) and other, less visible forms of pressure, have gone into war frenzy. What three years ago they used to neutrally call […]

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We knew, but we could not believe: a short essay about Iranians’ attitude towards the current protests

933 Of course everyone knew! Amidst family photos, selfies, and anecdotes, other types of pictures have surfaced on social media. These images have spread, bit by bit, news of horror across the country: homeless sleeping in empty graves, 3 to 7 million child labourers employed, humans used as border couriers in Kurdistan, an unfolding fresh water […]

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Call for Solidarity from Bulgaria: No Nazis on Our Streets, No to Fortress Europe

Note from the LeftEast editors: In January 2018 Bulgaria has taken the presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first six months of 2018. Meanwhile Neonazis will still be marching the on the streets of Sofia in February to commemorate General Hristo Lukov: the head of the interwar Legion and Minister of War […]

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Another crisis in Ukraine? The fragmentation of the pro-West bloc

The fragmentation of the pro-Western bloc in Kiev. This is the new stage of the political crisis in Ukraine. The division is not a new one but past weeks have shown to the world how deep runs the crisis between president Petro Poroshenko and the former Georgian president (and now pretender to power in Ukraine), […]


Protests in Iran Took Many By Surprise — But Not Iranian Labor Activists

We publish here, as an insert, a fragment from Murtaza Hussain’s article on the Iranian protests, which can be read in full at  Over the past week, tens of thousands of people in dozens of cities across Iran have braved bullets and tear gas in a public outpouring of dissent against the country’s ruling […]

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Lupiga and Critical Media In Croatia: “We live in a country where more than 3.000 antifascist monuments were turned to rubble in the last 25 years”

On behalf of LeftEast, Mary Taylor interviewed Ivor Fuka from, the critical news portal founded in 2001 in Croatia as it embarks on its crowdfunding campaign. You can visit Lupiga’s crowdfunding campaign here: LeftEast: Can you tell me a little about when Lupiga first came into being? What does the name mean and […]


Reflections on the Growing Anti-Regime Protests in Iran

See the original publication at the Alliance of Syrian and Iranian Socialists. The protests that started in the city of Mashhad on Thursday December 28 have quickly spread to more than 40 cities including Tehran, Kermanshah, Rasht, Isfahan, Shiraz, Hamedan, Kerman, Zanjan, Ahvaz, Bandar Abbas, and even the city of Qum, Iran’s religious capital. The […]