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The Protests against Russia’s Pension Reform and the Reasons for Their Defeat

Note from LeftEast editors: The main political event of 2018 on Russia’s domestic scene was probably the pension reform and the unsuccessful resistance against it. In this piece published in Russian in Sotsiologia vlasti 30(4)2018 co-translated for LeftEast by Kate Seidel, Ana Gurau, and Dasha Vodchic, Ilya Budraitskis takes this episode as a lens on […]

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[VIDEO] Trailer of Georg, a documentary about György Lukács

Note from LeftEast editors: We are happy to share the trailer of Georg, a documentary about Marxist philosopher György Lukács which will be released in April 2019. Beyond the merits of the philosopher’s work, the movie’s appearance also bears witness on two different levels. On the one hand, it comes in the year when the Left in […]


The Living Front of Stanislav Markelov

This article by Kirill Medvedev, a Moscow-based poet, translator, and activist of the Russian Socialist Movement, originally appeared in an English translation by Tom Rowley and Guiliano Vivaldi in Open Democracy–Russia and Beyond. Ten years ago, Stanislav Markelov was murdered in Moscow. He defended anti-fascists and ecologists, mothers trying to defend their sons serving in the […]

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[PODCAST] Seasons in the Sun: Ukrainian and Bulgarian Workers in Bulgarian All-Inclusive Tourism

We are introducing the second episode of the podcast series “Europe is Working”. While the first installment delved into the political struggles of domestic workers in Spain, this second part proposes a journey to an all-inclusive resort on the Bulgarian coast where Bulgarians and Ukrainians find seasonal work. You will get a glimpse of the […]

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“Why I don’t recognize North Macedonia as my home country”

  Note from LeftEast editors: Last week, Macedonia’s Parliament approved a constitutional amendment to change the country’s name to the Republic of North Macedonia. Under the agreement, the country’s language will be called Macedonian and its people known as Macedonians/citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia. The new name will be used both internationally and bilaterally, […]


Statement by LevFem Regarding the Latest Demolition of Roma Houses in Bulgaria: please circulate widely

Anti-Roma racism, ethnophobia, and prejudice have reached intolerable proportions in Bulgarian government, the Bulgarian public sphere, and Bulgarian society at large. LevFem stands in solidarity with our Roma sisters and brothers who are subjected to incessant daily racist abuse, harassment, violence, and dehumanization, and navigate countless forms of prejudice while surviving an increasingly hostile racist, […]

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[PODCAST] Taking Care of Solidarity: Domestic Workers Fighting for Their Rights in Spain

The series “Europe is Working” is in an inquiry into EU workers’ everyday workplace experiences, as well as into the possibility of solidarity and collective action across and despite different citizenship status. These podcasts are results of interviews with local and migrant workers as well as other relevant stakeholders (such as trade unionists or academics) […]

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What is Rotten with Serbia’s Mass Protests?

The end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 was marked by a wave of mass anti-government protests in Belgrade. The direct cause for the first protest held on December 8th was the attack on the leader of the Serbian Left, Borko Stefanović, ahead of a forum of the newly formed coalition of the opposition […]

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Protesting the “slave law” in Hungary: The erosion of illiberal hegemony?

This post is published with the permission of FocaalBlog, the blog of Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.                     In recent weeks, Hungary has again made international headlines. This time, it was a popular movement born out of resistance to the latest rewriting of the labor code—which […]

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The Antifascist Women’s Front (AFŽ) and the Reconfiguration of Women’s Citizenship Rights in Early Socialist Yugoslavia (1945-1953): a Video-Lecture by Chiara Bonfiglioli

Chiara Bonfiglioli in Ljubljana, 10.11.2018, at a ERC Eirene project workshop entitled “Women and Post-War Transitions: Politics”. Her presentation was titled “The Antifascist Women’s Front (AFŽ) and the Reconfiguration of Women’s Citizenship Rights in Early Socialist Yugoslavia (1945-1953).” Chiara Bonfiglioli is a lecturer in Gender & Women’s Studies at University College Cork.