All posts FeminEasts

(Post)pandemic Struggles in Social Reproduction: Housing justice in Romania

Note of the LeftEast editors: The present text, which we co-publish together with TSS is part of a series of publications and webinars on the topics of social reproduction, (women’s) labour and migration in East-Central Europe and beyond. The video from the first webinar Responses to Covid19 and (post)pandemic: social reproduction, migrants and women in […]

All posts Interviews

Why Globalise? 1989 in Eastern Europe and the Politics of History: Part II

In this three-part interview, conducted, transcribed and edited by Zoltán Ginelli, history professor James Mark talks about his latest book James Mark is a British Professor of History at the University of Exeter. His research focuses on the history and memory politics of state-socialism in East Central Europe from the perspective of broader global histories, […]

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Anti-war Statement of Azerbaijani Leftist Youth

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has been with us since 1988, ever since the largely ethnic Armenian population of this province of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic demanded a union with Armenia. The ensuing war ended in 1994 with Nagorno-Karabakh and some neighboring Azerbaijani territories under Armenian control and nearly a million people as refugees. Ever since […]

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Organizing for Housing Justice during the Covid-19 pandemic: a report by organizations from 18 countries

The European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City (EAC) is launching its report: Organizing for Housing Justice during the Covid-19 pandemic. A collectively written overview, the document covers tactics employed by housing movements from 18 different national contexts in Europe during the first part of the pandemic (March-July 2020), detailing […]

All posts Interviews

Why Globalise? 1989 in Eastern Europe and the Politics of History

In this three-part interview, conducted, transcribed and edited by Zoltán Ginelli, history professor James Mark talks about his latest book James Mark is a British Professor of History at the University of Exeter. His research focuses on the history and memory politics of state-socialism in East Central Europe from the perspective of broader global histories, […]

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Progressive Patriotism

Translated from the Russian original on by Maxim Edwards. LeftEast publishes this text not by way of unreserved endorsement but rather in an effort to initiate a debate about leftist strategy. In our editorial discussion at least, it generated plenty of questions: Do we need to limit our imagination of political community to the […]

All posts FeminEasts

(Post)Pandemic Struggles in Social Reproduction: Lessons from the Therapist Union in Georgia

Note of the LeftEast editors: The present text is part of a series of publications and webinars on the topics of social reproduction, (women’s) labour and migration in East-Central Europe and beyond. The video from the first webinar, where this text was first presented can be seen here. The aim of the series is to raise […]

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The Serbia-Kosovo Treaty: a Servile Acquiescence to US Imperialism

This article was originally published in Serbo-Croatian on the website of the revolutionary socialist organization Marks 21 on September 5, the day after Serbia and Kosovo signed a treaty that international media have labeled “historic.” The “historic” treaty recently signed by Serbia and Kosovo under the auspices of the US president, will prove very useful […]

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Is There a Globalization-Migration Nexus?

This article first appeared on the blog of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia Compared During the last 30 years migration levels have risen sharply. This change is associated with the opening up of national markets by global capital. The affinity between the mobility of capital and the movement […]

All posts Theory Video

Colonial Legacies, Decolonial Struggles: Anthropology and Europe’s Peripheries Today

This plenary session of the European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference, which took place July 21-24 in Lisbon, rethinks anthropology in and beyond Europe and considers how disciplinary hierarchies are reinforced. This requires concerted effort to create new spaces to counter structures and practices that reinforce hierarchies. The speakers engage with anthropology’s margins and […]