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The Western Hypocrite at a Crossroads

“I’m obliged, unfortunately, to note that the word ‘hypocrite’ has been and will continue to be a fixture within the diplomatic lexicon,” Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced recently, while talking about Russia’s divergence from the West on the situation in Syria. It is hard to argue with the […]


The Russian Revolution in Dreams and Reality

(source: WdW Review) In January 2014 the world held its breath and observed the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The spectacular opening ceremony, “Dreams of Russia,” was not simply a technical triumph but also a marvel of national history building. The depicted historical events acquired connections and a certain mutual continuity, building a […]


Where is the line between us: evolving East/West positions in a post-socialist world. Interview with Rastko Močnik

Note from the LeftEast editors: “Where is the line between us?: cautionary tales from now” was the title of the 3rd Garage international conference which brought to Moscow practitioners and thinkers from the fields of art, history, and sociology to examine the evolving positions toward the East/West axis in a post-socialist world. The speakers revisited […]

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Syriza’s victory stirs the Left’s political imagination across Central, Eastern and South East Europe

Three weeks ago the Left celebrated Syriza’s victory. The plot has thickened since, and it will surely intensify further by the 28th of February when the EU-IMF bailout is due to expire. As the Greek drama unravels, it is those who are most supportive of Syriza that will judge it most critically. Asked by LeftEast’s […]

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In support of SYRIZA

Note from the LeftEast editors: with this text Left-wing activists working in/on East-Central Europe support the struggle of SYRIZA in Greece in the coming election on the 25th of January 2015. If you would like your name or that of your organization to be added to the list, please write to lefteasteditors [at] gmail . […]

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New but Still Cold. An interview with Gilbert Achcar.

Ilya Budraitskis interviews the Franco-Lebanese political scientist Gilbert Achcar about who is to blame for the New Cold War, and whether there are progressive ideas, which could be placed at the foundation of global order. Interview: New but Still Cold (Ilya Budraitskis Interviews Gilbert Achcar) 19 December 2014 Ilya Budraitskis: The question I want to […]

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Intellectuals and the “The New Cold War”: from the Tragedy to the Farce of Choice

Observers speak of the “New Cold War” as a self-evident and incontrovertible reality. Already in the spring, the new contours of international politics, demarcated by sanctions and mutual rhetorical incursions, were fully recognized by the broadest segments of the public in Russia, Europe and the United States—including those who were very far from decision-making processes—as […]

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Boeing 777: Between “Yes” and “No”

We can say with confidence that the tragedy of Boeing 777, which took the lives of 298 people, has brought the conflict in Eastern Ukraine to a principally new level. Now the main centers of power—Russia, the US, and the EU—must make themselves known and must take the responsibility for stopping the war or conversely—for […]


Conference: Crises and Resistance in Central and Eastern Europe

Warsaw, 22-23 November, 2014   Speakers Olga Bryukhovetska (Ukraine) Ilya Budraitskis (Russia) Catherine Samary (France) Lubos Blaha (Slovakia) Mariya Ivancheva (Bulgaria) Sonja Lokar (Slovenia)   plus workshops   The conference will bring left-wing academics and activists together to discuss the current economic and political climate in the region, look at how progressive social and political […]

Editorial Board

ACTING EDITORS Mariya Ivancheva is an anthropologist and sociologist, working as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Her work focuses on the digitalization and casualization of academic labor, intersectional inequalities re/produced in academic settings, and the role of the university in broader processes of social change especially to/from socialism. She is a […]