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Neither serious nor sorry, Alek goes to Potočari

Originally post by Eric Gordy on So Serbian prime minister Aleksandar Vučić won the ’emptier gesture than Tadić’ category, and will be making his way to the commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide. What will happen there? A few pious words, penned by somebody else, may scamper their way across his livery lips. […]


Serbia’s Pyrrhic Veto

  Original posting by Jasmin Mujanovic on Balkanist. In attempting to re-write the historical record on Srebrenica, argues Jasmin Mujanović, the Serb nationalist establishment has only succeeded in once again shooting itself in the foot. In the days and weeks leading up to the UN Security Council’s vote on the United Kingdom’s Srebrenica resolution, Serb leaders in Serbia […]


Open Letter to anti-Greek Eastern European bloc

Source: Sigmalive.Com Dr.Zoltan Pogatsa believes that the Eurozone states of the former Eastern bloc have been duped by the major powers into firmly opposing Greece. They are being led to believe that Athens is damaging to their economies. It’s all a deception, the Hungarian professional of political economy argues, as Eastern Eurozone members money never […]


Greece inspires us, but it cannot save us

It continues to be extremely important for people in the rest of Europe to support Greece. Not only for the sake of the Greeks, but for the sense of the future of democracy in Europe, and for the possibility of a break with neoliberalism. Yet there’s a risk of developing the political and analytical blindness […]

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Orban as the European Unconscious

This article was originally published at Oštra The decision of the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, to erect a four-meter-long wall along 175km of his country’s border with Serbia in order to prevent illegal immigration, prompts us to consider analytically two important factors. The first and most obvious concerns the symbolic meaning of erecting […]


The Balkans: the missing link the the international solidarity on the Greek referendum

The negotiations of the Greek government with the Troika have shown that our ‘shared European home’ was built over financial quicksands. Yet, by 2015 it should come as no surprise that ECB, Eurogroup, and IMF readily risk a humanitarian crisis, a rise of disease, violence, hunger, and death of thousands in Greece and Europe. Syriza’s […]


Petition of Solidarity of the Romanian Left with the SYRIZA government and the Greek people

Note: this petition has been widely circulated and received a lot of support in Romanian. We publish here the English version.  For the last five years ordinary people from all across Europe have been paying for a crisis they didn’t create. For the last five years we have been paying for the irresponsible quest for […]

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European Strategies of Managing the Crisis

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article was originally published in collaboration with the Balkan web-portal For the past five years the bureaucracy in Brussels has been embroiled in constant political and institutional struggle to rein in the economic crisis and ensure the stability of capital accumulation. Its strategic plan has relied above all […]


Ilya Orlov: A Revolutionary Museum after Ideology [TheRussianReader]

CuMMA Discourse Series #25 May 20, 2015 Descents into the past and appeals to history have been symptomatic of recent Russian politics, which is literally obsessed with re-enactments. It has recreated the “Soviet imperial,” the “pre-Revolutionary imperial,” the “Orthodox,” and the “patriarchal” visual and rhetorical discourses. As has been recently pointed out, President Putin has become […]


Kazakhstan: legal shackles on workers’ movement challenged

source: PeopleAndNature Blog A challenge to laws that shackle trade unions in Kazakhstan was mounted at the International Labour Conference this month – and activists hope this will boost workers’ efforts to rebuild grass-roots organisation. The conference, staged by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), a United Nations agency, in Geneva, said Kazakhstan would have to […]