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After the Elections in Germany: On Course to War, Austerity, and Xenophobia, and a Small Left Light of Political Hope

Germany faces its deepest political and economic crisis since reunification. The economy has not recovered from the pandemic, class stratification has deepened (almost one fifth of residents are on the brink of or below the poverty line), while increasing numbers mistrust democratic institutions, and authoritarian, extreme right-wing positions have become normalized. The late February parliamentary […]

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Is the essence of current democratic elections to fend off right-wing populism?: Interview with Gal Kirn on the Slovenian elections

On April 24, 2022, Slovenians voted in a parliamentary election to remove their long-time Prime Minister Janez Janša. LeftEast presents this interview with the Slovenian Marxist Gal Kirn on the broader significance of the election and its results. Q: You compare the Slovenian elections with those in France. What are the similarities and what are […]

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Against war in Ukraine and the New Imperialism: A Letter of Solidarity with the Oppressed

After a long winter of the covid-19 pandemic, the first glimpses of a coming spring offer a vision of new bloodshed. We have now witnessed more than a week of Russian invasion and war on Ukraine, a stretch of time that will be seen as an undeniable rupture in international relations. Things are moving at […]

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Thirty Years of Slovenia Independence: Janez Janša, From National Hero to Slovenian Trump, From Public to Private Investments

In the light of 30 years of independence, lack of vision and investments yesterday and today, and the eternal return of Janez Janša, there is really not much to celebrate. Rather, the third Bonapartist return of Janša could be seen as a trigger point that ends the nationalist fairy tale. It can remind us yet again that it is high time to launch a political counter-offensive opened to an ecological and socialist future.

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European Progressive Future? Neither Yesterday’s Tsipras nor Today’s Greens

Note from the LeftEast editors: this text was first published on the website SocialistProject.Ca. It has been reprinted by LeftEast with the permission of the author. One cannot and should not turn away from the disastrous results of the recent European Parliament elections, especially considering that Leftist parties across the European Union (EU) expected to […]

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Seven points on the local elections in Berlin

Note from LeftEast editors: The 18th Berlin state election was held on 18 September 2016 to elect 149 members to the Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin (Berlin state parliament). We publish here a 7-point commentary by Gal Kirn. A few after-thoughts on the local elections in Berlin: 67% of people went voting, which is more than in […]

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PLAN C: Which plan for the Left government in Greece after the new memorandum?

Over the last couple of days, the Global Centre of Advanced Studies (GCAS) “Democracy Rising” Conference took place in Athens, Greece. There has been much talk about three possible plans for the future of Greece: PLAN A (the continuation of Memoranda politics), PLAN B (exit from Euro), PLAN C (strengthening local cooperatives and subsistence economies, […]

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A groundbreaking result: Slovenia’s United Left Coalition gets 6 seats in Parliament

Dear all, dear comrades, dear friends, dear (new) new Left, We have broken the vicious circle of anticommunism in the post-Yugoslav context. What follows is a slightly longer piece on the campaign to give you a a sense of the historic results! On the electoral campaign of United Left Coalition (ULC) As you can imagine, […]