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Society–Instead of Apartheid. Interview with sociologist József Böröcz, by András Borbély

How is the system of social redistribution related to trajectories of individual life? What can it mean to be a socialist today? How does race cognition work? What are the conceptual starting points for the idea of an entirely new political community? József Böröcz—Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University—answered questions by András Borbély. The […]

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The Poverty of Cultural History: Decolonization, Race, and Politics In Post-Socialist Studies

Every year the Association for Slavic, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) holds its annual conference. This year, between two and four thousand people attended, and there were over 200 panels, round tables, and virtual presentations that brought together international and interdisciplinary scholars from across generations covering everything from History to Anthropology, Sociology, and Literary […]

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Coronavirus and the racial regime in Slovakia: the state response to the Roma

In moments of heightened crisis, such as today’s, one of the first strategies of a state is to defer its pretense of universal social solidarity, directing its energies towards the social groups it prioritizes but normally cannot single out. This same tendency often leads to postponing of its efforts to negotiate difficult social, economic, and […]

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Dialoguing Between the Posts: Can We Think Postcolonially about Central and Eastern Europe? Perspective from Poland.

Note from the LeftEast editors: we are sharing this video with the kind permission of Mithilesh Kumar. Inspired from the workshop with the same title which took place in Beograde, TISS Patna has designed a series of events on the topic. As one of the groups present at the Belgrade seminar, the LeftEast editorial collective […]