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What Is It with Hope? Explorations with Young Azerbaijani Left-Wing Democrats 

Currently, there are more than 330 political prisoners in Azerbaijan, however the Azerbaijani authorities deny their existence in the country. The group is diverse, encompassing journalists, bloggers, human rights defenders (among them labour rights activists and trade union organizers[1]), deported political exiles along with religious figures and political party members. It also includes anti-war and environmental activists, as well as […]


Free Zdravko and Vladimir! Stop prosecuting protesters in Macedonia!

Zdravko Saveski and Vladimir Kunovski, longtime activists and members of Levica, the recently-formed left-wing party in the Republic of Macedonia, have been kept in house arrest for over a month now. Recently, their detentions have been extended for additional 30 days. They are being detained because of their participation in the anti-regime protests which began […]

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Prisons in Macedonia: the Infected Wounds of a Fractured Social State

Note from LeftEast Editors: This article has been published in collaboration with the web-portal A month and a half has passed since a Presidential blanket amnesty of over 50 corrupt government figures and their collaborators sparked social upheaval across Macedonia. The action laid bare deep societal rifts, cracked open by double legal standards, dividing […]