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VIDEO: TalkReal in Madrid: Beyond the Ballot Box

Note from the LeftEast editors: following the first show of TalkReal on the Greek Crisis, European Aleternatives’ Lorenzo Marsili and the team of TalkReal explore the situation with the upcoming Spanish general elections. Together with ROARmag and OpenDemocracy, LeftEast publishes the talk as a kindred web portal to the TalkReal initiative. From the indignados and 15M to […]

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VIDEO: Precarity in the Periphery: A glance to East for making Europe

source and full article: DinamoPress Video reportage from eastern Europe, towards the transnational meeting in Poznan. An overview on precarity, austerity and movements from outside the eurozone. The peripheries of Europe are the centre of the austerity measures of current endless crisis and, at the same times, the centre of social turbulences of migrations. These […]

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VIDEO: Against capitalism, self-imposed colonialism and nesting orientalism – A Subversive Festival panel

Panel organized during the Subversive Festival, Zagreb 2013. The written versions of the interventions will soon be published on LeftEast.