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Students from all over Serbia on their way to Belgrade: “Every corner of the country echoes with one voice”

Note from LeftEast editors: At a time when we must keep our eyes wide open, the ongoing protests in Serbia demand urgent attention and support. Students and self-organized Serbian society are offering a powerful lesson in fighting for social justice, basic rights, and the true meaning of solidarity. Events are unfolding rapidly: tomorrow, March 15, 2025, […]

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Urban Struggles and Theorizing from Eastern Europe: a collective interview with Ana Vilenica, Ioana Florea, Veda Popovici and Zsuzsi Pósfai

Note from LeftEast editors: this interview first appeared as a chapter in the edited volume of Michele Lancione and Colin McFarlane Global Urbanism Knowledge, Power and the City (Routledge, 2021). It was reprinted with the kind permission of the interviewers and interviewees, and was made open access with the support of The Swedish Research Council […]

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Don’t Mistake the Finger for the Moon: Bernie Sanders and the Movement

Note from the LeftEast editors: Now, in the aftermath of the defeat of the Corbyn-led Labour party in the United Kingdom, the left’s hopes for an electoral path to power using the vehicle of some pre-existing mass, centre-left party have been reduced to just one name: Bernie Sanders. His populist, common-sense account of the problems […]

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Spanish elections 2016: Has the Podemos-strategy run into it’s limitations?

1. Polls predicted that Unidos Podemos would finish ahead of the social democrats of PSOE, and that these two parties would muster a majority against the parties of the right. This did not happen, and Unidos Podemos in fact lost votes compared to the December 2015 results of the two parties that make up UP […]

All posts Interviews

European Citizenship and the Place of Migrants’ Struggles in a New Radical Europe. An interview with Sandro Mezzadra.

 Interviewers: Raia Apostolova and Mathias Fiedler   On June 22 a group of migrants declared a hunger strike in Munich, Germany. The strike struck at the heart of the European Empire which in the last decades has been the source of the migration policies responsible for the production and further reinforcement of the European Apartheid […]