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Race, Gender, and Migration at an EU periphery: A View from Bosnia and Herzegovina

The radio program / podcast published here in translation was broadcasted on the Banja Luka Social Center (BASOC) radio on 28 November 2020 as part of their regular “BLASFEM by Any Other Means” series. BLASFEM is a feminist festival that started in Banja Luka in the summer of 2017 by assembling feminist activists, workers, artists, […]

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Missing farm workers in pandemic times: Is it really “the virus’s fault”? The view from Italy

Note from LeftEast editors: this article is an extended translation by the author of a text, which initially appeared in Italian in Rivista “il Mulino”. Two months ago, farmers’ organisations across Europe (and beyond) started to raise the spectre of ‘empty supermarket shelves’ due to the lack of seasonal labour for the harvest of crops. […]

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The road to the East. Ukrainian workers in Russia after 2014

As a 45-year-old woman scoops up another spoonful of cereal for the three year old child she has professionally taken care of during the past couple of years, she tells me: ‘I’m not a migrant, I’m a gastarbaiter [a derogatory word for a guest worker]. And so I’m underground (podpolnij).’. Ljuba first came to Russia […]