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Fellini’s Vision of a World on the Brink: A Mirror for Our Times

We are witnessing a significant transition from a welfare economy to a warfare economy. Supranational economic structures designed to promote people’s well-being are now being repurposed to support conflicts and enhance border security. Meanwhile, political and cultural elites appear disconnected from the escalating crises. Federico Fellini’s E la nave va (And the Ship Sails On, 1983) is […]

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Seeing Soldiers Work: Ukrainian Cinema and the Future of Labor

The Ukrainian premier of Reflection, the latest film from director Valentyn Vasyanovych, was held at Kyiv Critics’ Week in October 2022, more than a year after its theatrical premiere at the 78th Venice International Film Festival. The war in Ukraine has limited the film’s domestic distribution, though Vasyanovych has indicated his primary audience is an […]

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Art and Politics in Cuba Today: Amilcar Navarro and Mary Taylor in conversation

Mary Taylor: Envisioned by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara as an important revolutionary institution, The National School of the Arts (la ENA, Escuelas Nationales De Arte- also known as “the City of Arts”) was founded in March 1962 in the Cubanacan neighborhood of Havana. The campus, with five buildings set on the grounds of what was once […]