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Internationalism is the DNA of the Left — An Inteview with Andrej Hunko

Note from LeftEast editors: This interview was first published in Mašina, we publish it here in English as part of a collaboration within ELMO – The Eastern European Left Media Outlet. Andrej Konstantin Hunko is a German politician and member of the left-wing political party The Left (Die Linke). He has been a member of […]

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Sovereignty, foreign influence, and the search for the Georgian dream

In an effort to regulate foreign influence in Georgia, the Georgian parliament, People’s Power, as it is called, introduced two bills in late February, “On the registration of foreign agents” and “On the transparency of foreign influence.” People’s Power broke away from the ruling party, Georgian Dream (GD) so it could be more open about […]

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On the Counter Revolution in Iraq – Part 1

Background In October 2019, a popular mass movement erupted all over central Iraq, eventually turning into what became known as the Tashrin uprising[1]. Under the slogan “We want a homeland” the impoverished Iraqi youth occupied squares in the centres of major Iraqi cities, expressing their strict refusal of the post-2003 institutionalized sectarian system. They demanded […]

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After tomorrow’s election: a contribution to the Brazilian debate

Brazilian politics have been polarized between Lula and Bolsonaro. The urgency to defeat the later has been evoked to close off critical thinking. However, Bolsonaro embodies social forces that will not go away with an electoral defeat while an eventual Lula comeback only in part responds to popular aspirations. In order to avoid illusions and […]

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The Italian Elections. A Defeat for the Left, a Chance for the Future

One cannot understand the recent Italian elections without a minimal background on the recent Italian past. Though certainly we cannot be happy about Giorgia Meloni’s victory, she does not represent the “Fascistic” deviation some simplifying liberal media would have us believe. She is the leader of a political party which, though it has a convoluted […]

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Is the essence of current democratic elections to fend off right-wing populism?: Interview with Gal Kirn on the Slovenian elections

On April 24, 2022, Slovenians voted in a parliamentary election to remove their long-time Prime Minister Janez Janša. LeftEast presents this interview with the Slovenian Marxist Gal Kirn on the broader significance of the election and its results. Q: You compare the Slovenian elections with those in France. What are the similarities and what are […]

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One Year On, Is Zagreb Ours?

A year after the left-green political platform Zagreb je Naš/Možemo! won the local elections in Zagreb, Paul Stubbs[1] reflects on the key achievements, constraints, and shortcomings of the new administration.

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Serbian elections results: did the right grow stronger?

On April 3 2022 presidential, extraordinary parliamentary and elections for the assembly of Belgrade, Bor and 12 other cities and municipalities were held in Serbia. Note from LeftEast editors. This is an updated version of the article which was originally published on April 8, 2022, on Mašina . We publish it as part of our cooperation […]

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LiveJasmin and the Hierarchies of the Global Sexcam Industry: Beyond the Digitalization and Empowerment Narrative

Hungary’s political climate is increasingly dominated by the tensions related to the coming elections in Spring 2022. While all oppositional parties from far-right to the left had joined forces to fight the ruling party Fidesz, a new player entered the political arena in December 2021. György Gattyán, one of the richest people in Hungary, announced […]

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Gabriel Boric’s Turbulent and Fast-Paced Road to the Chilean Presidency

On the night of 19 December 2021, in front of tens of thousands of supporters, Gabriel Boric, the presidential candidate of a left and centre-left parties’ coalition, gave his victory speech after defeating the far-right candidate José Antonio Kast in the run-off. In his address, he pledged to guard the country’s ongoing constituent process and […]