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Urban Futures: From Islands of Commons to Collective Autonomy

Note from LeftEast editors. We repost the recording of Stefan Christoff’s interview with Mary Taylor and Noah Brehmer on Free City Radio, and the text From Islands of Commons to Collective Autonomy that was published in e-flux journal, entitled From Islands of Commons to Collective Autonomy: Mary N. Taylor and Janet Sarbanes in conversation. The Commonist Horizon: Urban Futures […]

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The Freedom to Say “No”: Interview with dismissed Turkish academic and Yeniyol editor Uraz Aydin

Note from the LeftEast editors: For the last several months in Turkish politics, the party-state’s agenda has been dominated by two interconnected operations: consolidation of power and elimination of opposition. The former will culminate in the constitutional referendum of April 16 this year, which will, if successful, transform Turkey from a parliamentary into a presidential […]