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Bulgaria (not) only for Bulgarians

Note from LeftEast editors: The article was originally published on in Bulgarian on the 10.09.2017 At this year’s summit of G20, the newly elected French president Emanuel Macron stated that the problem with the slow economic development of Africa was civilizational. As an example, he noted that African women gave birth to 7-8 children, […]

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On the Macedonian question: Statement from DEA and the Red Network

Concerning the recent developments in the Balkans, DEA and the Red Network state the following: The background to understand recent events is the initiative of USA-NATO and the EU to impose a new “stability” and control to the region, by establishing an immediate connection of all the countries with the major imperialist organizations. The timeframe […]

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The USS Strike: pensions are the trigger, but the strike is about discontent with academic working conditions in the UK

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article first appeared in Serbian on the comradely web portal Masina and was kindly translated and adapted for LeftEast by its author. The biggest strike in the history of British higher education started last Thursday. Lectturers and researchers at around sixty British universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Exeter and Imperial College […]

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Dialoguing Between the Posts: Can We Think Postcolonially about Central and Eastern Europe? Perspective from Poland.

Note from the LeftEast editors: we are sharing this video with the kind permission of Mithilesh Kumar. Inspired from the workshop with the same title which took place in Beograde, TISS Patna has designed a series of events on the topic. As one of the groups present at the Belgrade seminar, the LeftEast editorial collective […]

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Hungary: The Destruction of Reason and the Semi-Destruction of an Archive

Editors’ note:The legacy of Marxist Philosopher György Lukács has been under attack in Budapest. In 2016, protests began against the closure of the Lukács Archive, located in the philospher’s former home. In March 2017,  Lukács’ statue was removed from Szent Istvan Park, after a proposal from the Jobbik party was accepted by the Fidesz-dominated Budapest […]

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Polish Law on Historical Memory Widens Divisions at Home and Abroad

Note by the LeftEast editors: this article has been reprinted from the blog of Gavin Rae, Beyond the Transition, with the author’s permission. The Amended Act on the Institute of National Remembrance, passed by the Polish parliament on 26 January, has caused a huge political domestic and international storm (the full English language text of […]

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Francesca Coin: I read “power to the people” as power to the class suffering the effects of economic violence

Preface for LeftEast: On March 4th, Italy will vote for the general elections. In this interview, we reconstruct the political debate that is taking place in the country before that date. More specifically, we present an interview from the Italian on line journal Figure to Italian sociologist Francesca Coin from 7th of February 2018 that […]

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The Wounds of Afrin, the Promise of Rojava: an Interview with Nazan Üstündağ

LeftEast interviewed sociologist and feminist Nazan Üstündağ on Afrin, Rojava and the social stakes of the resistance to Turkey’s current military intervention. First, we’d like to thank you for agreeing to this interview. These days, when the Turkish propaganda machine has gone into overdrive, and any voice for peace inside the country is automatically branded […]

We Asked

The Left in Greece & Macedonia: We can write new pages of common struggle!

The ongoing negotiations between the Greek and the Macedonian government on the issue of the “name” of the Republic of Macedonia have sparked a nationalist backlash in Greece- it manifested itself in two mass nationalist rallies, the first in Thessaloniki on January 21st (which ended with the burning down of the Libertaria Squat) and the […]

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Panagiotis Sotiris: We can write new pages of common struggle!

Panagiotis Sotiris is a writer and activist living in Athens. He is a member of Left Recomposition (Aristeri Anasynthesi, ARAN), an organization of the Greek Radical Left and also of Popular Unity, which is a left-wing front in Greece.   LeftEast: It is interesting to think if, to what extent and how the left in each […]