All posts We Asked

WeAsked: Left Perspectives on Venezuela from the (Semi)Periphery

Venezuela has been at the center of heated left-wing polemics for some time now. As tensions rise in the border regions of the country and self-appointed “interim president” Juan Guaido calls for ever more militant action, including even armed rebellion, concerns grow over the possibility of a foreign intervention. As with previous such interventions, legitimacy […]


Turkey’s position on Venezuela- a Perspective from the Left

1.Has Turkey’s government taken an official position regarding the situation in Venezuela? If yes, what is the position? Turkey presents the peculiar case of a right-wing government with historically close geopolitical ties to the USA supporting President Maduro both verbally and commercially. Over the last year, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has developed an ever friendlier rapport […]


Croatia’s position on Venezuela: A Perspective from the Left

1.Has Croatia’s government country taken an official position regarding the situation in Venezuela? If yes, what is the position? The government of Croatia has already moved to recognize Guaido as “interim president” about a week ago, when a handful of regional right-wing governments and a handful of imperialist Western countries did so, proving yet again […]


Serbia’s position on Venezuela- A Left Perspective

1. Has Serbia’s government taken an official position regarding the situation in Venezuela? If yes, what is the position? The government is trying to keep a low profile. After a period of some sort of a constrain, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic gave a moderate statement for Sputnik: “The least we can do is to not change […]


Bulgaria’s position on Venezuela – A Left Perspective

1. Has the government in Bulgaria country taken an official position regarding the situation in Venezuela? If yes, what is the position? In Bulgaria the Venezuelan crisis produced a somewhat unexpected cleavage between the government and the opposition. I say somewhat unexpected because Roumen Radev, the President elected from the mandate of the Bulgarian Socialist Party […]


Israel’s position on Venezuela – A Left Perspective

1.Has the government of Israel taken an official position regarding the situation in Venezuela? If yes, what is the position? The Israeli government has come out strongly in support of Juan Guaidó’s claim to the presidency of Venezuela. PM Netanyahu has strongly stressed that this position is in accordance with the stances of “the US, Canada, […]

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The Commercialization of Science and the Struggle Against It

In the core countries of the global economic system, science has long been a productive power. Universities and laboratories today have become factories of knowledge and discovery, and scientists are the proletariat of these factories. There has long been a critique of the role of science and scientists in the capitalist system. What is happening […]

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The Nurses in Bulgaria are Rising Up!

The nurses in Bulgaria have declared the 1st of March a day of strike. They will start protest actions throughout the entire country at precisely 12 p.m. We are in full support of their actions and we call for solidarity internationally. This strike is not just a Bulgarian one. This strike concerns labor power that […]

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Notes from Hell: Inside a Bulgarian Prison

16.11.2018 This first-person account of the conditions inside the prison in Pazardjik, Bulgaria was first published on the web site of the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association. The Pazardjik prison is a classic. I had heard a lot about it but now that I’m here, have no words to describe what I’m going through. Most people are […]

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Economic and Political Democracy for the City: an Interview with Ana Méndez de Andés

  Many thanks to our comradely internet platform Masina in Serbia for permitting us to republish this interview. Six years ago a wave of demonstrations broke out throughout Spain. What started as a protest against the widespread political corruption and the lack of “real” democracy soon spread to millions of people challenging the current political and […]