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Non-capitalist Mixed Economies: The Soviet Monetary System and the Functions of Money in Socialism

LeftEast was a cosponsor of an online conference on non-capitalist mixed economies from June 23–26 2021.  Co-sponsors of the conference included the Karl Polanyi Center, Eszmélet Journal, Social Theory College in Budapest, Polanyi Institute, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, Institute of Political History Social Theory Research Group, The Study Group on Global Labour History and Social […]

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Against superficial internationalism: from left exuberance to liberal tears over Afghanistan

On the day liberal-neocon imperialism was defeated once and for all, DiEM25’s thoughts are with the women of Afghanistan. Our solidarity probably means little to them but it is what we can offer – for the time being. Hang in there sisters! The euphoric message launched into the Summer twittersphere by Greek left-wing economist and politician Yanis Varoufakis, […]

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A Color Revolution or a Working-Class Uprising?: an Interview with Aynur Kurmanov on the Protests in Kazakhstan

LeftEast gratefully acknowledges Zanovo-media, where this article was originally published in Russian. Today all post-Soviet mass-media and TV channels are riveted to the protests that suddenly engulfed Kazakhstan. To some they arouse hope, to others – horror and rejection. There are contradictions and different interpretations of what is happening: righteous people’s protest, clan wrangling, conspiracy […]

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Waste Colonialism in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The War-time Logic Continues

LeftEast publishes this article in collaboration with Rosa Luxembourg Foundation. Today, in the city of Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Chlor-alkali Power Plant (known locally by its Bosnian acronym, HAK) is a hazardous, disintegrating, and abandoned post-industrial skeleton. Built between 1972 and 1976 with British and Canadian investment, HAK mass produced chlorine and sodium […]


The Conflict between Russia and Ukraine Is Neither Bluff nor Ultimatum

First published in French on December 30 in Révolution Permanente. Translation for LeftVoice by Scott Cooper. Moscow is amassing 100,000 troops on its border with Ukraine, whose government is seeking to lean on NATO to counter Putin. But even if Russian military intervention is central to that country’s defense, it is a very risky option. Are […]

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Ukrainians Are Far From Unified on NATO. Let Them Decide for Themselves

Note from LeftEast editors. This is a reprint, the article originally appeared in Truthout on December 28, 2021. After weeks of media scare about a purported Russian military invasion of Ukraine, the conflict may get a chance to be solved in a negotiated way. The public conversation on the current escalation of the Russian-Western conflict […]

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How to start a gender transition in Russia

Note from LeftEast editors . We reprint Jeremy Morris article, which appeared on his own Postsocialism website. This is a short post ‘answering’ my own question on Twitter: What is life really like in Russia for transgender people seeking to transition when they interact with the very ‘medical gaze’ of the state? A medical commission […]

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Lenin’s Socialism – From the Perspective of the Future: Some considerations

LeftEast was a cosponsor of an online conference on non-capitalist mixed economies from June 23–26 2021.  Co-sponsors of the conference included the Karl Polanyi Center, Eszmélet Journal, Social Theory College in Budapest, Polanyi Institute, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, Institute of Political History Social Theory Research Group, The Study Group on Global Labour History and Social […]

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The Image of Ratko Mladic in Downtown Belgrade: Conflicts over murals, or conflicts over morals?

Each year, November 9 marks the ‘World Day Against Fascism and Anti-Semitism.’ That date was taken to commemorate November 9, 1938, when Kristallnacht took place, in which several hundred synagogues and Jewish shops throughout Germany were destroyed, and about 20,000 Jews were interned in camps. This act is often considered the beginning of the Holocaust.  […]

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To whom does the smart city belong, if…?

Note from LeftEast editors: We are publishing the press release of the Romanian Social Housing NOW! (Căşi sociale ACUM!) radical housing justice movement based in Cluj-Napoca. They organized a hybrid, online and physical, action day on 17th December, commemorating the eviction of 350 Roma people that happened on the same day 11 years ago. The […]