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On the brink: why Russia’s healthcare workers are organising

What would happen if Russia’s healthcare system went on strike? Read this OpenDemocracy-Russia interview with healthcare union leader Andrey Konoval to find out. Russia’s public healthcare system is facing significant problems, and staff are coming out as a result. Ambulance teams in Penza region, central Russia, recently called a work-to-rule action, bringing out more than […]

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Serbia: State and Party-backed Violence against Members of the Housing Movement

Note from the LeftEast editors: Repression against our comrades in Serbia fighting for the right to housing is growing. Planned modifications to the Law on Enforcement and Security would expand the powers of private bayliffs and criminalize solidarity with those evicted. Also, direct violence against housing activists by the far right has intensified.  On June […]

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All Power to the Margins! On tomorrow’s election in Istanbul

“They want to entrust Istanbul to a very mixed-up marginal group. They want to hand the city over to a group including FETÖ, Kandil, the PKK, the LGBT’s, Gezi and the whole confused mess of the CHP…and this group will reduce Istanbul to ruins.” Thus spoke Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu to his interviewer on […]

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Solidarity Economy and the Commons in Central and Eastern Europe

Note from the LeftEast editors: The article has first appeared on the Green European Journal Website, from which we reprint it with the kind permission of the author. It is based on the working paper “Solidarity economy and the commons: implications for Central and Eastern Europe” by Gergő Birtalan, Ágnes Gagyi and Zsuzsanna Pósfai, supported […]

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Socialist Yugoslavia and the Antinomies of the Non-Aligned Movement

This is a revised version of a talk given by the author at the Workshop ‘Dialoguing Between the Posts 2.0: (im)possible dialogue between the progressive forces of the ‘posts’’, Belgrade, Serbia 15 June 2019. He expresses his gratitude to workshop participants for their comments, and to Čarna Brković, Konstantin Kilibarda and Christian Axboe Neilsen for […]

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[Podcast] Workers’ Solidarity and Changing Ideology in Belarus

LeftEast shares this podcast with the permission of its producers from Contrasens. What is precarity? And how does it adapt to the Eastern European context? In the 11th episode of Contrasens’ podcast, we take a closer look at work and workers. Together with our guest, Volodya Artyukh, who is a Ph.D researcher at C.E.U., we […]

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The Only Way is Back: Romanian Social-Democrats after Liviu Dragnea

This article is published in cooperation with Bilten: Regional Portal. 1. Failing against all odds Just as the polls were announcing a crushing defeat for the Romanian Social-Democrats at the European elections, their party leader, Liviu Dragnea, was slowly being escorted to prison, putting what is probably an end to his political career: a three […]

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Austerity Economics Russian Style: “The state never asked you to be born”

Translated by Joseph Livesey For two decades steadily rising living standards and high rates of economic growth have served as the standard explanations for Vladimir Putin’s overwhelming support among Russian voters while a key theme of Russian state propaganda has been the championing of Putin-style “stability” (as opposed to the chaos and poverty of the […]

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Chase those crazy baldheads out of town: Resisting the rise of authoritarianism in occupied Haiti

Editorial Statement: As protesters prepare for another manifestation on Sunday, June 9, LeftEast publishes this piece on the current events in Haiti by the Anakawona Collective in cooperation with Commune. “To change things, we need to be outraged./ If we are outraged, we will organize./ If we are organized, we will become stronger./ If we […]

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European Progressive Future? Neither Yesterday’s Tsipras nor Today’s Greens

Note from the LeftEast editors: this text was first published on the website SocialistProject.Ca. It has been reprinted by LeftEast with the permission of the author. One cannot and should not turn away from the disastrous results of the recent European Parliament elections, especially considering that Leftist parties across the European Union (EU) expected to […]