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The Life Uprising in Iran, Imperialism, and International Solidarity

During her visit to Tehran with her family on September 13, Zhina (Mahsa) Amini, a 22-year-old from Kurdistan province, was arrested at the central metro station by the infamous “morality police” for ‘bad hijab’(wearing her headscarf slightly looser around her neck and head.) In a statement issued two days after her arrest, Tehran police said she suffered […]

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The Italian Elections. A Defeat for the Left, a Chance for the Future

One cannot understand the recent Italian elections without a minimal background on the recent Italian past. Though certainly we cannot be happy about Giorgia Meloni’s victory, she does not represent the “Fascistic” deviation some simplifying liberal media would have us believe. She is the leader of a political party which, though it has a convoluted […]

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KOMBINATAS: Regional solidarity with Ukraine and anti-war resistance in Russia

This August’s Kombinatas festival brought dozens of leftist researchers and activists from the region to its camp in Saugus Atstumas (Lithuania). Predictably, Russia’s war on Ukraine was the most discussed topic and the festival’s organizers shared with us videos of two related panels. Oppositional movements and anti-war resistance in Russia Why did Putin start a […]

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Tinder & pigeons: creative anti-war protest amidst the suppression of dissent in Russia.

Public protest has always been a risky affair in Russia, but it has become even riskier as of late. As anti-war demonstrations swept the country earlier this year, the repressive state apparatus intensified, and the protest has been cast underground. Nevertheless, the most committed activists have remained defiant in the face of suppression, coming up […]

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A Reward for Nobody

The return of the awarded title of “Mother Heroine” is another attempt by Russia to dress up the invasion of Ukraine in the uniform of the Great Patriotic War. What does its recovery say today? Gender studies researcher Sasha Talaver analyzes the history and relevance of the award for

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Untimely Thoughts: Notes on Revolution and Ukraine

andrew is a communist from Ukraine and author of “Letters from Ukraine,” published in Endnotes (see Part I, Part II, and Part III) and Tous Dehors. This article is based on a presentation given at Woodbine NYC on September 10th. Wars and crises, in suspending normality and reminding both of the suffering sustaining capitalism and […]

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HPP Komarnica: one of the last wild European gorges faces a wilder threat

Several Montenegrin associations for nature protection filed a complaint with the Secretariat of the Bern Convention regarding the possible construction of a hydroelectric power plant in one of the last wild canyons in Europe. Montenegro has until mid-September to react. In the meantime, activists and experts insist that the construction of the HPP Komarnica must […]

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The Role of the Pharmaceutical Industry and the World Trade Organisation in Vaccine Research and Development

First published in Croatian on Radnička Prava, 25/8/2022. The article is translated as a part of the cooperation between the members of the Eastern European Left Media Outlet – ELMO. Translation: Borna Karanušić. Only 16 percent of people in low-income countries have been vaccinated. While some of the poorer countries have asked the World Trade […]

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The Superfluous People of Eastern Ukraine

Imagine you are a Russian-speaker in some bombed-out Eastern Ukrainian city, waiting to be liberated. Some of the “liberators” will be first checking your closets for young men to mobilize and use as a Z-branded canon fodder. The other liberators make it clear that they see you аs nothing more than a “vatnik,” a Homo […]

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The typing factory: All I wanted was for someone to give me a chance

First published in Radnicka Prava, 27/7/2022. The article is translated as a part of the cooperation between the members of the Eastern European Left Media Outlet – ELMO. Publication was also supported by the Agency for Electronic Media through the Fund for the Promotion of Pluralism and Diversity of Electronic Media. Translated by Borna Karanušić. […]