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From Rivers to Babies: Civic Awakenings Aim to Secure the Future of Bosnia-Herzegovina for all Bosnians

by Maria Hetman on Sunday, June 16, 2013 Thursday, June 6, 2013. An early summer day in Sarajevo, and the streets were filled with sound. Listening closer, it was not just the usual buzz of warm weather foot traffic and outdoor cafe crowds. Instead, there were whistles, drums, vuvuzelas, shouting, and a cacophony of car […]

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The disintegration effect of the world market on Yugoslavia and the working class. An interview with Vladimir Unkovski-Korica.

Among the numerous guests at the recent “Subversive festival”, was Vladimir Unkovski-Korica (foto), a historian and researcher who is currently a Fellow at the London School of Economics*. His upcoming book entitled “The Economic Struggle for Power in Tito’s Yugoslavia: From World War II to Non-Alignment” will be released soon. We discussed some themes from […]

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A letter from Şafak Özden: “Such public resistance is unprecedented in Turkish history”

Dear friends, You are all probably aware of the recent events in Turkey. You might have wondered about the reasons and subtext of the recent and ongoing demonstrations. To address this, I’d like to try to write a summary of the events of the last few days from my point of view. I am a […]

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Binz Bleibt Binz: “We are gone and yet we remain.”

by Ed Sutton, Zurich Text presented at the conference ” RECLAIMING THE COMMONS IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE, Warsaw, 19-21 April 2013 ” organized by Res Publica Nowa and As tensions continue to rise surrounding housing and right-to-the-city issues in Switzerland, one squat’s struggle was derailed at a critical moment by violence.  How the […]

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Eastern Europe as a periphery: The case of Romania

Romania’s swan song or a few thoughts on the disappearance of the Romanian state Although I have a degree in philosophy and I coordinate, alongside my colleagues, an online platform devoted to social critique, political and ideological analyses from a Leftist perspective, I am not a theorist. I am a writer and a product of […]

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Balkans for the peoples of the Balkans

Andreja Živković and Matija Medenica The Balkans struggles under a triple crisis of foreign debt, mass unemployment, and the productive sector. In reality this is a crisis of dependency on European capital. Economic life is completely dependent on importing expensive European capital to cover the yawning trade and budget deficits, representing a vast plunder of […]

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VIDEO: Against capitalism, self-imposed colonialism and nesting orientalism – A Subversive Festival panel

Panel organized during the Subversive Festival, Zagreb 2013. The written versions of the interventions will soon be published on LeftEast.

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Beyond ‘realism’: notes on the situation in Greece, the challenges for the Left and the need for a radical strategy

Panagiotis Sotiris[1]   For the past 3 years Greece has been at the same time an experiment in neoliberal social engineering and a laboratory of movements and collective struggles. For the first time in many decades we have the case of a country entering a phase of profound social and political crisis that has the […]

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The Golden Dawn and the Demand for Security

Manuel Mireanu and Maria Gkresta May 2013 We want to argue here that the success of the extreme right discourses and practices in the current capitalist crisis has to be seen also as a function of the need for security. That is, we cannot explain this success merely in terms of identity politics, state and […]

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Socialism for the 21st century. An interview with Michael A. Lebowitz.

Socialism for the 21st century. Building a solidarity-based society which has the strength to fight against the repeating of history An interview with Michael A. Lebowitz by Darko Vesić and Aleksandar Stojanović   With Michael we talked about contemporary crisis and the possibilities of its overcoming, about the experiences and contradictions that characterized the societies of […]