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Volodymyr Ishchenko: “For Ukrainians, as for any other people in the world, the main threat is capitalism.”

Note from the LeftEast editors: We publish the transcript of Volodymyr Ishchenko’s interview on This is Hell! radio station with Chuck Mertz from the 19th of April 2014, organized in cooperation between the Chicago-based radio station, AntidoteZine.Com, and LeftEast. This is the complete transcript of the interview, including the last two questions which Volodymyr answered […]

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How healthcare kills: lessons from neoliberal Bulgaria

    Nоte from the LeftEast editors: Тhis article has been published in collaboration with the new Balkan web-portal The publication in Serbo-Croatian is to be found here.  In the last days of March 2014, a Bulgarian woman, Dobrinka Krumova, aged 26, died because neither private, nor public hospitals in Dupnitsa in South Bulgaria accepted her for […]

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The unfolding of the Bulgarian political crisis of 2013

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article has been published in collaboration with the new Balkan web-portal The publication in Serbo-Croatian is to be found here. The upcoming EP elections will be a test for all major parties in Bulgaria, after a year of constant protests aiming to challenge the status quo. In February […]

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“We are witnessing an alarming revival of old-fashioned geopolitics”. An interview with Madina Tlostanova.

Madina Tlostanova is an internationally known scholar whose writing critically examines questions of epistemology, history, geography, power and identity. She has published widely and in multiple languages. She presently is a full professor in the Department of Philosophy at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Her book Gender Epistemologies and Eurasian […]

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Is Macedonia on the brink of war? (2012)

Note from the LeftEast editors: In his text, ‘From the banality of elections to a new political situation’, published on LeftEast in cooperation with Bilten.Org, Artan Sadiku calls for a serious rethinking of left political perspectives since the widespread belief that the social question would inevitably trump national divisions has been disproved by nationalist struggles […]

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A reflection on the Hungarian parliamentary elections

Spirits were low on Sunday night when the first estimations of the election results came in. FIDESZ appeared as clear winners, the only question being whether they would gather the 2/3 majority or not. This might define the entire narrative of these elections, especially for the center-left coalition. LeftEast talked to Ágnes Gagyi, Balázs Patkós […]

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What is to be done with the bad bank?

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article has been published in collaboration with the new Balkan web-portal Original publication in Serbo-Croatian is to be found here. When the great recession hit the global capitalist system, the Slovenian economy witnessed a devastating decline in economic growth. In 2009 GDP per capita shrunk by 7.9%, the […]

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Early elections in Serbia: Progressive win is a warning to the working class (part 2)

Note from the LeftEast editors: this is the second part of the text of Vladimir Unkovski-Korica on the early election in Serbia. The first part could be read here. The collapse of opposition and the crisis of representation To understand the rise of the Progressives, it is necessary to also explain the demise of all […]

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Euronational Border Patrol

by Tsvetelina Hristova and Raya Apostolova Note from the LeftEast editors: this article has been published in collaboration with the new Balkan web-portal Original publication in Serbo-Croatian is to be found here. When in 2012 Greece began the erection of a wall along its border with Turkey, nationalist formations in Bulgaria voiced the same […]

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Working the global art market: labour, galleries, and activism in the Gulf. An interview with Haig Aivaizian.

LeftEast’s Konstantin Kilibarda interviews Haig Aivaizian of the Gulf Labour working group about the ’52 Weeks of Gulf Labour’ campaign. The campaign uses artistic interventions to shine a light on the labour practices underpinning recent projects like the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi. LE: What motivated you to start the ’52 Weeks of Gulf Labour’ project?  HA: […]