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Bulgaria: Work of mass destruction

Source: New Left Perspectives On 1st of October the village of Gorni Lom in Northwestern Bulgaria was shaken by a huge explosion in a run-down arms disposal factory. This seems to be amongst the worst of a rising trend of industrial accidents in the country’s recent history. Fifteen people lost their lives in Gorni Lom. […]

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The Criminalisation of Environmental Activism in Europe

When the chief of Romanian Intelligence (SRI) declared last autumn that ‘eco-anarchist elements’ infiltrated the Roșia Montana protests, very few people took this statement seriously. The general attitude has been to dismiss the statement as being paranoid at best, and ludicrous at worst. However, when a few months later, the protest area in Pungești became […]

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Without vision of social change, Bulgarian politics is returning back to Boyko Borisov

This article is published in collaboration with the Serbo-Croatian online web portal Bilten.Org The upcoming elections in Bulgaria in the beginning of October are the second early ones in the course of just one year. They mark a next stage of an intense political crisis taking place since the middle of 2012. The crisis started […]

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Macedonia: tax haven – and workers’ hell

This article is published in collaboration with the Serbo-Croatian online web portal Bilten.Org Macedonia has leading positions in many regional, European, even world rankings. For example, in the last Global Competitiveness Report 2014 – 2015 published by World Economic Forum, Macedonia is ranked first among 144 countries in the category ‘lowest total tax rate for […]

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A Left Perspective on Kosovo. An Interview with Rron Gjinovci

Rron Gjinovci was born in 1989 in Prishtina, Kosovo. He started his bachelor in University of Prishtina studying Engineering Physics and Philosophy. After a symbolic action in 2010, where Rron and one of his colleagues threw red paint on rector he was expelled from studies. Also Rron was imprisoned for a month in prison of Lipjan because of this symbolic […]

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Shifting Centres and Dead-ends: – An Analysis of the Presidential Election in Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan became the first publicly elected President of Turkey in the history of the Republic, winning 52% of the votes at the presidential elections of August 10. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu, joint candidate of the CHP (secularist, so-called centre-left) and the MHP (nationalist, centre-right), finished second with 38% of the vote. Selahattin Demirtaş of HDP […]

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The rise and fall of the Albanian migrant working force

This article is published in collaboration with the Serbo-Croatian online web portal Bilten.Org One of the main characteristics of Albania’s post-socialist history has been the big wave of migration to the West that has been undertaken by the workforce, especially to Greece and Italy where most Albanian migrants have worked for more than two decades. […]

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The fight for socialism in Slovenia. An interview with Anej Korsika

Anej Korsika is a political scientist, a member of the Marxist think tank, Institute for Labour Studies in Ljubljana and a member of the socialist party Initiative for Democratic Socialism.     James Robertson is a historian of Yugoslavia, a member of the International Socialist Organization and of the editorial board of Left East.    […]

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The Presidental Election in Turkey: Winners and Losers

Note from LeftEast: Somewhat belatedly, we are presenting you with an analysis of the Turkish Presidential Election of August 10, 2014 produced by Turkey’s Movement for Permanent Revolution (SHD). The statement expresses the group’s strong support for Selahattin Demirtaş of the Peoples’ Democracy Party, who polled 9.6% in the election, and also critically assesses the […]

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Soma: the Aftermath of a Tragedy (a Report)

The 1980 military coup introduced neoliberalism to Turkey in the most assertive way. The spirit of the coup was crystallized in the words of leading businessman Halit Narin: “Up until now, we cried and the workers laughed. Now, it is our turn. We will laugh, and they will cry”. Halit Narin’s words proved quite accurate. […]