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On the Importance of a Strong Work Ethic: Etho-politics in Serbia

During a recent visit to Slovenia, Serbia’s Prime Minister Vucic made a statement on a theme that has come to figure prominently in many of his public speeches and press statements – that of the importance of a strong work ethic. Speaking of his government’s economic reforms and foreign policy measures, Vucic poignantly argued for […]

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Call For Solidarity With Macedonia’s Protesters

Note from the LeftEast editors: this text coming from citizens, activists and academics concerned by the recent developments in Macedonia, is an attempt to draw attention to the events in the country. It is also a plea for your solidarity with the citizens who are seeking justice and freedom. If you would like your name or […]

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Moscow, Kiev, and the West European Far Right

Editors’ note: this article has also been published on Stephen Shenfield’s blog. On January 7, 2015, I was watching the TV channel Rossiya-24. They were talking about the terrorist act that had just taken place at the editorial office of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. They were broadcasting the first interviews with famous people, […]

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The Beginning of Czech Resistance to TTIP

The Global Day of Action on the 18th of April marked one of the biggest global protests in years. There were 734 protest events around the globe, including Asia and Africa. What precipitated this wave was a new generation of free-trade agreements being negotiated right now, potentially affecting the whole system of global trade. In […]

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Spring has arrived in Macedonia: thousands of pupils and students protest against education policies. An interview with High School Plenum.

Thousands of pupils, students  and teachers marched today across the country, in a renewed challenge to governmental education policies. Organised by the High School Plenum,  the protest comes two months after the Student Plenum declared victory against reforms in Higher Education on the 24th of February, 3 months after the students’ first march on the […]

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An appeal to the International Labour Community from the workers of DITA Factory, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article is re-published from Tuzla, 16 April 2015: “We, the workers of the Tuzla-based detergent factory DITA, have been fighting a wave of corrupt privatization, exploitation and asset stripping that is destroying the industry of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For over two years now, we have guarded our factory around […]

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Private electricity at the expense of the State: The privatization of Maritsa Iztok 1 and 3 in Bulgaria

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article (by Tsvetelina Hristova & Svetlin Vesselinov) is published in cooperation with the Serbo-Croatian web portal Bilten.Org. In the first month of 2015 the new Bulgarian government led by GERB (Citizens for European development of Bulgaria) announced that it was going to start negotiations for reducing the price of the electricity provided […]

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Old wounds revealed as Romanian court re-opens miners’ case

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article is published in cooperation with the Serbo-Croatian web portal Bilten.Org  In recent weeks the miners are back again: This time not on the streets, but on the public agenda. The Romanian High Court, following a decision of the European Court of Human Rights reopened the file dealing with […]

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Exporting Georgia’s Anti-Corruption reforms to Ukraine; What makes them worth replicating?

“Georgians to the Rescue in Ukraine” “Georgians play key roles in pushing Ukraine’s reforms” “Ukraine’s New Cabinet Lineup Offers Broad Competence for Reforms” – these are just a few of the headlines telling us that Georgia’s post-revolutionary reformers have come to Ukraine to help out with reforms and that commentators are very optimistic about the […]

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Staff and students join in struggle against financialization of higher education in the Netherlands

At first, it did not seem that the student protests at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) looked very different from the wave of movements against financialization of higher education that have swept over Europe in recent years. What makes the Maagdenhuis occupation different, and possibly more challenging, however, is the fact that students have been […]