Note from the LeftEast editors: this text coming from citizens, activists and academics concerned by the recent developments in Macedonia, is an attempt to draw attention to the events in the country. It is also a plea for your solidarity with the citizens who are seeking justice and freedom. If you would like your name or that of your organisation to be added to the list of supporters, please write to lefteasteditors@gmail.com, with the following as the subject line: SOLIDARITY WITH MACEDONIA’S PROTESTERS
On Tuesday night (05.05.2015) thousands of citizens of Macedonia protested outside of the government headquarters calling for resignation of the Prime Minister Gruevski and his cabinet. Audio tapes of wiretapped conversations between government officials, which were aired hours before, revealed direct involvement of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Internal Affairs in concealing the truth regarding the murder of a 22-year-old man beaten to death by a police officer while on duty in June 2011.

What started off as a peaceful protest against police brutality soon escalated as the protesters broke the police cordon and moved right in front of the government building. Within a couple of hours, hundreds of fully armed special police forces cracked down on the protest using brute force, shock bombs and tear gas to disperse the crowds, and also threatened to use, but eventually refrained from using water cannons. By the end of the police action, dozens of activists were detained – some of them after being chased far into downtown Skopje. In the hunt of protesters, the special police forces even raided a public university library, harassing the students who happened to be there at the time.
As a result of the violent crackdown, a small number of police officers and passers-by, and a higher number of protesters were seriously injured. An estimated number of 40 activists have been detained. Protests have been scheduled to resume every day at 18:00.
Alarmed by Tuesday nights’ indiscriminate use of force by the police forces in Skopje, we fear that the confrontations are likely to escalate further. We have no doubts that Gruevski will resist the calls for resignation and is prepared to push the police forces to tragic extremes in an attempt to maintain his grip on state power and resources.

The audiotape which sparked the protest is only the most recent one in a series of leaked wiretaps, which the opposition party the Social Democrats has been broadcasting to the Macedonian public. What began with evidence of the surveillance of over 20,000 citizens orchestrated by the Prime Minister and his cousin, the Chief of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information, Sasho Mijalkov, continued with ever more scandalous revelations.

In over 30 sets of leaked wiretaps the conversations revealed election fraud, complete control over the judiciary and media, actions of direct pressures and threats towards non-supporters, embezzlement of vast quantities of public money and public property for private gain, corruption on a massive scale. They have demonstrated how over a period of 9 years, since Gruevski has been in power, the state has been turned into a criminal network fully dedicated to defending the personal interests of the governing elite, their families and friends, and to maintaining a complete system of control of the public through the incessant use of propaganda. The nearly total control over the media has resulted in limited information available to the Macedonian public regarding the wiretapped materials, the protests and the brutality of the police. Social media and a few media portals have been the only sources of information.
We support the protesters’ requests for the resignation of the Government. Moreover, we urge the Macedonian Police Forces to demonstrate solidarity with their citizens, to restrain from the disproportionate use of violence and to refuse any orders that are against the Constitution and in violation of the rights and liberties of the protesters. Finally, we call for an unbiased and professional reporting by national and international media on the ongoing events.
If you would like your name and/or that of your organisation to be added to the list of supporters, please write to lefteasteditors@gmail.com, with the following as the subject line: SOLIDARITY WITH MACEDONIA’S PROTESTERS
LD Solidarnost, Macedonia
Cross-border Committee, Macedonia
Pokret Occupy Croatia
European Alternatives
Levi Front Srbija
Centar za politike emancipacije, Serbia
ODRAZ- Organizacija za demokratsku reakciju i asocijacija udruzenja
Macedonian Centre for European Training
MJAFT! Movement – Albania
LadiC — LadilnicA Macedonia
Open University Sarajevo
IDS, Initiative for Democratic Socialism – Slovenia
Project 2020, Cardiff, Wales
Türk Mimar ve Mühendis Odaları Birliği İl Koordinasyon Kurulu (TMMOB IKK)
Initiative for Democratic Socialism (member of The United Left coalition)
Zelena omladina Srbije (Serbian Green Youth)
Urban Movements Istanbul
Civic Initiatives, Belgrade, Serbia
Socijaldemokratska omadina Srbije
Life After Capitalism, Bulgaria
AnarresBooks, Bulgaria
Elena B. Stavrevska, Central European University, Hungary
Adela Gjorgjioska, LeftEast, Italy
Anastas Vangeli, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Trajce Panov, European University Institute, Italy
Leonora Grcheva, Macedonia
Ana Aceska, Humboldt University, Germany
Marjan Ajevski, NYU
Tomce Runcevski, Max Planck Society and University of California Berkeley
Ognen Vangelov, Queen’s University, Canada
Rory Archer, University of Graz, Austria
Ana Tomicic, Croatia
Emin Eminagic, Lijevi BiH
Sanne van den Heuvel, The Netherlands
Mina Baginova
Philippe Bertinchamps, Le Courrier des Balkans
Teresa Forte, Portugal
Mariya Ivancheva, LeftEast, Bulgaria
Katerina Anastasiou, transform!europe, change4all.eu
Sava Jokić, Marks21, Belgrade
Maja Savevska, Harvard Law School
Olimpija Hristova Zaevska, Institute for Social Innovation and Research – Impact, Macedonia
Tanja Milevska, Journalist, Belgium
Alexis Cukier, Ensemble-Front de gauche, France
Dr. Rudolf Gabriel, physician, Austria
Jana Gajic, student, Serbia
Elena Veljanovska, Curator, Berlin
Neda Genova, cultural theorist, Bulgaria
Jose Reis Santos, Contemporary History Institute, New University of Lisboa
Alexander Lambevski, Sextures Institute, Sydney, Australia
Josipa Rizankoska, University of Siena, Italy
Neda Genova, cultural theorist, Bulgaria
Gareth Davies, MPhil candidate in Sociology, Trinity College Dublin
Borjan Gjuzelov, University of Flensburg, Germany
Alen Zekovic, PhD student of Laws, Serbia
Anna Chung, PhD in Political Science
Roska Vrgova, Poland
Goran Lazarevski, Columbia University
Biljana Kotevska, Human Rights researcher and activist, Alumna of the Universities of Essex, Bologna, Sarajevo and UKIM
Zoran Gjorgievski, London, UK
Alfredo Sasso, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Marija Radoman
Radomir Trajkovic
Vesna Milosavljević, SEEcult.org
Erka Kosta
Ron Salaj – Human Rights activist & campaigner, Italy
Ana Marija Najdova , Macedonia
Drivalda Delia, Student, LMU, Munich
Martin Naunov, Middlebury College
Paula Jojart; gender expert and activist, Slovakia
Neda Tozija
Aleksej Demjanski, Elliott School of International Affairs
Biljana Vuchovska-Vörös, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Slobodan Tomic, PhD Candidate, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Vladimir Bogoeski, German Trade Unions Confederation (DGB), Berlin, Germany
Wendy Lyon, Human Rights Lawyer, Dublin
Tanya Kimova, Belgium
Elena Presilska, EU Info Centre, Podgorica, Montenegro
Srdjan Djurić, Socijalistička Narodna Partija Nove Jugoslavije
Deni Sanxhaku, “Organizata Politike”, Albania
Miguel Rodríguez Andreu, writer, Spain
Miguel Alonso Ortega, Spain
Zsófia Lóránd, CEU, NANE, Hungary
Osama Salem, PhD Candidate, Europa Universität Flensburg, Germany
Evgeny Belyakov, Human Rights activist, Moscow, Russia
Helena Lopes Braga, CESEM, FCSH, New University of Lisbon
Natasha Wilson, University College London
Yulia Karpova, Central European University, Hungary
Zoltan Gluck Department of Anthropology, City University of New York, Graduate Center
Ana Margarida Esteves, Center for International Studies, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon
Gabriel Richard-Molard, European Secretary of the French Socialist Party abroad
Luke Kelly, Central European University, Hungary
Adriana Qubaiova, Central European University, Hungary
Piotr Wcislik, Central European University, Hungary
Dr. Naum Panovski, Professor of Humanities
Zsuzsa Selyem, Writer, Romania
Sandra Mardin, UK
Nikola Dimitrov, Distinguished Fellow, The Hague Institute for Global Justice
Elena Marchevska, London South Bank University
Nikola Kjurchiski, Russian Presidential Academy, Moscow, Russia
Mirjana Milenkovic
Ljubica Spaskovska, University of Exeter, UK
Kire Vasilev, Political Scientist
Eva Duchkovska, Université Charles de Gaulle, Lille, France
Tijana Katushevska, Harvard University
Tanja Hafner Ademi, Balkan Civil Society Development Network
Gaetan Homerin, Valenciennes, France
Dan Collier, UK
Natalia Telepneva, London School of Economics, UK
Corina Mavrodin, London School of Economics, UK
Marko Milošević, Radnička fronta (Workers’ front), Zagreb, Croatia
Elma Demir, Researcher
Lela Rekhviashvili, Central European University
Rebeka Veljanovska, student, The Netherlands
Andreas Hummler, Germany
Julia Lechler, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München & Universität Regensburg
Jelena Zhivkovikj, Sweden
Tina Tanurovska
Ana Bojadjievska, Berlin
Elena Micajkova, Utrecht University
Predrag Terzioski, Eurocontrol, Brussels
Bojan Marichikj
Monika Stadnicka
Ana Todorovska, Central European University, Hungary
Martin Galevski, DPhil Student, University of Oxford
Ana Bobić, DPhil Candidate, University of Oxford
Sasa Stankovic
Robert Alagjozovski
Dimitar Minovski, University of Helsinki, Finland
Ermira Kamberi, Utrecht University
Iskra Duchkovska, King’s College London
Fabio Mattioli, PhD Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center
Angela Kochoska, PhD student, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Kalia Dimitrova, student, Krakow, Poland
Darja Stoeva, Maastricht University
Andrew Graan, Center for International Studies, University of Chicago, USA
Lisa Gross
Jessica Greenberg, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Illinois
Rojhat Turk, Well Engineer, Diyarbekir, Turkey
Maja Stojanovska, Stockholm, Sweden
Maja Djundeva, University of Groningen
Djoshkun Shengjuler, Pennsylvania State University
Loran Bajrami, Anadolu University, Turkey
Milena Crnogorčević, Middlebury College
Kappa Delta Rho National Fraternity
Benjamin Kinney Harris, President, Alpha Society of Kappa Delta Rho
Dave Wilson, PhD Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles
Catherine Samary, economist, Paris
Maggie Nazer, Middlebury College
Maya Panova, USA
Anastasija Siljanoska, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Marija Sidorenko, Fakultete za arhitekturo, Univerza v Ljubljani
Mitre Georgiev, Centre for Peace Studies, Zagreb
Cagdas Özbakan, Journalist, Berlin
Alma Krantic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abraham Fuentes Gomez, Primary Education student, Spain
Zorica Matkovic, Belgrade, Serbia
Igor Stiks, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Andrew Graan, Center for International Studies, University of Chicago, USA
Waqas Mirza
Paul Stubbs, The Institute of Econmics, Zagreb
Tijana Radeska, University of Cambridge, UK
Ersin Şenel, Journalist, Istanbul
Dimitris Dalakoglou, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Sussex
Liliana Sousa, New School for Social Research
Rossen Petrov, New Bulgarian Unversity, Sofia
Salman Hussain, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, City University of New York, New York
Anja Šerc, Msc, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Duygu Parmaksizoglu, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, City University of New York, New York, NY
Gligor Micajkov, Utrecht University
Dimitri Barbera
Ana Kotevska, Harvard University
Katerina Dimovska, IED Milano
Validebag Volunteers, Istanbul, Turkey
Thomas Schad, PhD candidate, Humboldt University Berlin
Karin Golaski
James J. A. Blair, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Mila Shopova, Anthropologist, Thailand
Mevhibe Gozcelioglu
Taksim Gezi Park Association
Iris Kronauer, Cologne, Germany
Luisa Chiodi, Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso
Jasmine Elezi
Ayten Alkan, Assoc. Prof. PhD., Istanbul University
Irena Šentevska, Belgrad
Nihat Ucukoglu
Michele Vianello, Italy
Luca Manunza, University of Naples
Imre Azem, Director, Ekumenopolis
Ivan Stefanovski, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (sede di Firenze) Italy
Pola Cebulak, Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva
Ersoy Tan
Marta Maja Lipińska, Youth Worker, Poland
Filip Lech
Bartosz Mindewicz, Cultural activist, Poland
Michał Grosz, University of Warsaw, Poland
Marek Nalikowski, Poland
Robert Statkiewicz, University of Warsaw
Aida Bagić, Zagreb, Croatia
Catherine Samary, Economist, France
Matias Janvin, University of Oxford
Andrea Varriale, Bauhaus University of Weimar, Germany
Luka Z. Božović, potpredsednik Socijaldemokratske omadine Srbije
Filiz Mut
Pelin Demireli
Daniela Gavrilova
Afirdita Zeynep Kuka Bak
Zvonko Dimoski, Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, Poland
Francesca Valsecchi, Italy, China
Noa Espino
Mirjana Kosić, TransConflict, Serbia
Dan Collier
Katinka Lansink Dodero, activist, Food Frontiers, the Netherlands
Spyros A. Sofos, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University
Vanja Savic, PhD candidate, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Gentiana Cani
Martin Petrov
Goran Janev, Sts Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
Safet Ahmeti, Center for Visual Studies Skopje
5 replies on “Call For Solidarity With Macedonia’s Protesters”
Bravo, brave and honest people, needing to fight and put your lives i danger to get a bit of justice, never mind social justice…
With a great respect
Maja Berilazic
Solidarity now!
I urge the Macedonian Police Forces to demonstrate solidarity with their citizens, just the way the Romanian police did during the 1989 revolution that brought the budding democracy in my country.
We, the collectives of Life After Capitalism (Bulgaria) and AnarresBooks (Bulgaria) would like to be added to the list of solidarity and support with Macedonia’s protesters.
A Bulgarian translation of the article is published here: http://www.lifeaftercapitalism.info/news/430-solidarnost-makedonski-protesti-2015
Peter from Life After Capitalism and AnarresBooks