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Sonja Stojadinovic: The Macedonian left-wing SDSM lost the election because it did not dismantle the Gruevski regime of nepotism and harmed Macedonian identity 

  LeftEast is delighted to reprint this interview Vladimir Mitev recently conducted with our comrade and Macedonian political scientist Sonja Stojadinovic for Cross-border Talks, in which they discuss the internal situation and foreign policy dynamics immediately after the swearing the May 8 elections and the swearing in of Macedonia’s new president (Gordana Siljanovska from the […]

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Lea Vajsova: There is a boom of feminist organizations in Bulgaria after the debate on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention

Note from Lefteast Editors. We repost Vladimir Mitev’s interview with sociologist and left feminist activist Lea Vajsova, which originally appeared at Crossbordertalk on 13 February 2023. We saw the conservative insistence on the “traditional Christian family” around the Istanbul Convention debate as a metaphor behind which a process of re-traditionalisation was taking place as an […]

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Out in the Cold: Romania and Bulgaria look away from transborder collaboration

This article first appeared in Serbo-Croatian on the web journal Bilten. East-Central Europe and the Balkans experienced a period of exceptionally cold and snowy weather in January 2017. Flights and shipping services were suspended in some areas, there was major disruption to power supplies and other essential infrastructure, and there were a number of deaths due […]