Note by the LeftEast editors: this text has been published in co-operation with the Serbo-Croat language web portal Bilten.Org. Early in the morning of December 9th, Greek police closed the make-shift camp by the border town of Eidomeni. The eviction from the camp marked a further deterioration in the lives of thousands seeking refuge at […]
Author: Mila Shopova
Mila Shopova has received Master of Arts in Cultural Anthropology from the New School of Social Research and Master of Arts in East European Studies (Cultural Studies and history) from the Freie Unviersität-Berlin. She is based in Bangkok, Thailand. Recently, she has worked in international development in Southeast Asia and as part of the working group Solidarity for Mobility (LD Solidarnost) in Macedonia she has been implementing an awareness-raising campaign, Borders in flux: topographies of mobility and justice.