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Anti-corruption, another name for economic abuse

Note from the LeftEast editors: this article was published in cooperation with the web-portal Bilten.Org During May and June 2014, Romania was invaded by high-ranking officials: the US Vice President, the head of Pentagon, the head of CIA, the head of NATO, American senators, all having only one message: fight corruption! After which they added […]

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A Band of Raggamuffins’ Wondrous Adventure in a High Society Club

East versus West is once again a hot topic in Romania. Or rather a superficial repositioning – which doesn’t mean that it has a lesser influence over public agenda setting – in the never-ending battle between Europeanizers (white collars, hard-boiled capitalists, entrepreneurs) and Traditionalists of all denominations (nationalists either of Interbellum persuasion or converted during […]

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Occupy Petrom. A Ballad of Small Stakes

News release issued on 9th of November, 2011: during the 3rd quarter, Petrom registered record profit of EUR 275 million, having all chances to exceed 1 billion of profit for the entire year. Why have you never protested in front of the central OMV-Petrom headquarters?, I asked, at a reunion, some young trade unionists gathered […]

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For Herta Müller

Herta Müller is fighting in all earnest with Stalinism, Communism, the Securitate and all sorts of Eastern zombies that could contaminate the Western State of Law. Unlike that of Tismăneanu & comp – hers is not a mercantile and profitable fight. She probably really believes that it has a real meaning for today’s Romania. I suppose she […]